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  1. J

    channels volume imbalance

    Well, yes I understand it, to judge you realy need either mono recording or very good stereo recording and on the top of that you need to know the song how it has to sound because it is not rule that the singer voice for example has to be right in the middle. So thats why I prefere to get...
  2. J

    channels volume imbalance

    I totally agree. I entered into the hifi year ago and I have to say that at this moment I am quite a bit surprised that this topic is not discussed and evaluated more that it actually is. I am a bit angry because being novice I have read a lot of reviews of different amplifiers and at the moment...
  3. J

    channels volume imbalance

    Thats right, thats what I was telling to my self in order to awoid spending another money but you know does not work to me :D, at least one aspect of disbalance I will remove :)
  4. J

    channels volume imbalance

    is that a joke or really some used practice? How can I come to exact volume matching like this? I have seen super high end preamp with separate volume control for each channel, but there vere steps with numbers, I do not see even sence in that, however expensive and high end it was.
  5. J

    channels volume imbalance

    Yes, this is exactly what I am thinking. Maybee bach sounds somthing better than schiit. But schiit is simply schiit thing and dispite I have seen already also some not very well measured device, kara seems to be great. What power amp are you using?
  6. J

    channels volume imbalance

    schiit kara, ladder bach - this one is not measured nowhere, but sonicaly well reviewed and the step attenuator is there, would you know about some other possibilites?
  7. J

    channels volume imbalance

    Thank you, I love this forum, for obtaining answers up to the task, thanks again. Yep so actually I am heaving electrocompaniet eci 80d. Which is killer regading the textures retrival in midrange and I really like this aspect of this amplifier. And I did not knw there is also digital way to...
  8. J

    channels volume imbalance

    I know alps blue velvet is not step :), Thank you for the reply. so here my answer to yor question, I am not sure :) I am using kef ls50 meta and I am experiencing slight shifts but sometimes more so, in imaging from left to right, am I crazy or is it possible? So i do not know, but I find my...
  9. J

    channels volume imbalance

    Dear audioenthusiast, I am running thru my OCDs with amplifiers, I have experience until now. I have never paid atention to balance between channels volume level but I am finding my self unhappy realizing that there do exist step atenuators implemented also in budget preamplifiers such as...
  10. J

    elctrocompaniet eci 80d quality and reliability

    I have update to the topic. After some not very extensive accoustic treatment of the room, by my ears the amplifier does perform really well. I have also chceked layouts of some more expensive amplifiers and by my humble but honest conclusion (whatching parts placements, cabling, some percieved...
  11. J

    elctrocompaniet eci 80d quality and reliability

    Dear audio enthusiast, I recently purchased electrocompaniet eci 80d liking its sound. I did chcek some reviews before and after and I have to say I do have doubts about its built quality and possible concequencies in its acuracy in sound performance. Namely if you chcek pictures from whats...
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