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  1. M

    Bluetooth adapteur for Zeppelin

    hello experts I have 2 b&o zeppelins, each with a 30 pin apple dock. I’d like to use them with Bluetooth. I’d there a quality adaptor I can buy that will plug CV into the aux Jack socket? Thanks in advance James
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    Tannoy Westminster Royal

    What did it sound like?
  3. M

    Tannoy Westminster Royal

    in a couple of years ago I was lucky enough to find a pair of new old stock 12 inch monitor gold units. Then said about thinking what kind of a cabinet should I put these in. Consulting a lot of tannoy websites with some very knowledgeable people threw up all kinds of interesting thoughts. Most...
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    Tape head pre-amp

    That’s exactly the sort of brilliance I had in mind to tap into, even though I don’t understand what you’re saying thanks for your reply.
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    Tape head pre-amp

    I’m just thinking for playback. And how difficult would it be to mod an RIAA circuit to IEC and voila..?
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    Tape head pre-amp

    I’m wondering why there is a dearth of tape-head pre-amps. Bottlehead make a very expensive one but have retired their cheaper design. Surely a TH can’t be much different from a pick-up preamp? Ok one is RIAA and the other is IEC, but surely this is not rocket science? Or is it? Would any of...
  7. M

    Otari MX-5050 Review (Reel to Reel Tape Deck)

    Thanks very much for this. It was a little bit obscure for me before. I ended up buying both the ones he had, one has some kind of echo and it was very cheap. Spares or repairs :)
  8. M

    Otari MX-5050 Review (Reel to Reel Tape Deck)

    I have the opportunity to buy an Otari 5050. I’ve noticed that it only has Ballanced o/p’s. Of course my stereo is all phono i/p’s. What’s the scoop, do I just solder up a cable using one of the hot pins on the XLR’s or do I need balancing transformers etc etc. (Hope not! It would get too...
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    Douk VU3 Review (VU Meters)

    Ok thanks for clearing that up for me.
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    Douk VU3 Review (VU Meters)

    Hi Tom, if you mean bar meters I would decline, I’m a fan of old school needle meters and am v interested in adding a pair to my setup
  11. M

    Douk VU3 Review (VU Meters)

    Me too. As a side note: can’t this thing just be plugged into tape out without ruining the SQ of the system?
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