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    E1DA Cosmos ADC

    Did anybody encounter problem with Cosmos ADCiso at a sampling rate of 705.6kHz? No problems have been found at other sampling rates including 384kHz and 768kHz. Comtrue ASIO driver was used. Sampling rate: 384kHz Sampling rate: 705.6kHz Sampling rate: 768kHz
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    Floating-Point ADC System

    In order to see if there is a step change in the waveform during the ADC switching, I performed a linear sinewave amplitude sweep from 0.03Vp to 0.05Vp in 0.5 s, then from 0.05Vp to 0.03Vp in the subsequent 0.5 s and the same process was repeated. The results are shown below. The red line...
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    Floating-Point ADC System

    I measured the two impulse responses (see picture below). The first one had an amplitude of 0.03Vp (0.021Vrms) and thus it should only involve the high-gain ADC. The second one had an amplitude of a 0.18Vp (0.127Vrms) which should be enough to trigger the switching from the high-gain ADC to the...
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    Floating-Point ADC System

    I further did a linearity test using a 1kHz sinewave. Its amplitude was stepped from a specified low limit to a specified high limit in 300 increments (see figure below). The horizontal axis represents the specified output RMS value from the signal generator, while the vertical axis represents...
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    Floating-Point ADC System

    I measured the THD, THD+N, Noise Level vs Calibrated Input RMS of the XLR mic input of Zoom UAC-232 simultaneously using a 1kHz sine wave. Its amplitude was stepped up from 5μVrms to 1.66Vrms (or 2.35Vp, i.e. 0 dBFS according my calibration, with the digital gain set to 0dB) in 300 increments...
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    Wow, Flutter, W&F, weighted and unweighted, JIS/DIN/CCIR and NAB. Help me!

    3150HzModulatedBy4HzAt0.00997Percent0.315Hz.wav The above one is generated using a carrier frequency 3150 Hz, a modulating frequency 4 Hz, and a max. frequency deviation 0.315 Hz. Its unweighted and weighted peak wow & flutter values are thus: 0.315 / 3150 × sin(0.95×90°) = 0.00997%. Its...
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    Wow, Flutter, W&F, weighted and unweighted, JIS/DIN/CCIR and NAB. Help me!

    @JPJ, the file is 300s long and contains more than 2M samples. MI will refuse to calculate Wow and Flutter if the number of samples in the Oscilloscope exceeds 2M. I use [File]>[Extract] to extract the data in the first 40s and then analyze it and get the following weighted wow and flutter results.
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    Wow, Flutter, W&F, weighted and unweighted, JIS/DIN/CCIR and NAB. Help me!

    You are absolutely right. :) I was led here accidentally after typing "NAB wow and flutter" in Google Search. I searched this today because some MI users requested the support of weighted and unweighted RMS W & F defined by NAB/JIS. Currently MI only supports weighted and unweighted Peak W & F...
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    New Audio Analyzer from Prism Sound (M1)

    My first post in this great forum:) Multi-Instrument used to have an occasional dropout issue with some ASIO drivers when the ASIO buffer size is small and simultaneous input and output is running. It has been fixed since Version 3.8 Build 3 (Released on Aug 31, 2018). The 21-day trial period...
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