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    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    Do these offer any more isolation that a standard silicon tip?
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    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    I have been really enjoying these now for a few days, wont repeat a lot of the praise that has already been given here as i think its all been said. For anyone debating these they get a solid recomendation from me. The only area these are lacking for me at the moment is isolation. Not a problem...
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    Truthear Nova IEMs

    These just went back on sale at Shenzhen Audio again. Same as the black friday price i think, offer runs 12-14th. Just incase any is thinking of picking up a pair.
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    Truthear Nova IEMs

    I agree. I have both Zero Red and Nova. For me it is worth the price for comfort and the no eq, straight out of the box sound. I am still going to explore some eq but I could listen to these all day as they are with no complaints. For reference i use a relatively minimal eq with the reds but...
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    Truthear Nova IEMs

    I would also appreciate some recommendations on this. Currently using the cable from the Zero Red on my Novas but would be keen to hear some good value options that are equally light and quiet. Would also be interested to hear if anyone has tried and particularly like any alternative tips in...
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    (Europe) Master Deals Thread on Audio Product Sales

    Wiim Pro Plus also available for £169 at Peter Tyson and Seven Oaks for UK folk.
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    DAC and bluetooth with LDAC for PicorePlayer Pi based streamer

    Just a quick update for anyone who stumbles onto this in the future! I now have camillaDSP running well on my Pi Zero W and it seems stable enough for me to say the Zero W has enough grunt to work as a streamer even with DSP. I am currently using it to provide a parametric EQ for headphone...
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    DAC and bluetooth with LDAC for PicorePlayer Pi based streamer

    Super interesting! If I can grab a spare sdcard I will fire up PiCorePlayer on my zero w and check the Bluetooth in. Anybody know what codecs are supported?
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    Tip recommendations for TWS Buds?

    Yeah fair enough. EQ is next when I can find a good tip. They are miles better than any other Bluetooth buds I've heard (never had anything expensive mind you) but like you say these things always fall in comparison to something wholely superior, especially when most of your listening is on the...
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    Tip recommendations for TWS Buds?

    Interesting that you find the medium a good fit, it looks from the size chart like the spring tips measure relatively small. I also use the cp115 in large and would probably have gone for trying the L and XL sizes on those springtips (but then maybe the bigger ones won't fit in the case ?!?)...
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    Tip recommendations for TWS Buds?

    Interesting, thanks. Would that be these guys:?
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    DAC and bluetooth with LDAC for PicorePlayer Pi based streamer

    The Pi Zero W was a recent purchase for me as a bit of an experiment. I would have gone with a Zero 2W if I could find one at a normal price but pulled the trigger on the older model after waiting a while to se if it was up to the job. That's part of the reason to run DietPi as an OS - it's very...
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    Tip recommendations for TWS Buds?

    Hi All, I'm looking for advice on some better eartips for a set of JBL Club Pro+ earbuds. The stock large tips are ok-ish but not deep enough or wide enough for my preference and are made of what feels like quite a hard and shiny silicon. All of this adds up to not a very good seal and...
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    DAC and bluetooth with LDAC for PicorePlayer Pi based streamer

    I ran a Pi 4 with Moode Audio loaded in my living room setup for a while. The Pi was connected to a USB DAC (Topping E30), but the setup could be the same with a DAC HAT if you prefer. Moode offers squeezelite and Bluetooth inputs out of the box. No need for a Bluetooth dongle as the Pi has...
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    EQ Software for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS/iPadOS and Android.

    Yeah i think so. Unscientifically tested here using my E1DA 90838D which I can see the playback sample rate on using it's app. Playing a 96KHz track from Qobuz app shows a 48KHz playback rate on the DAC. I believe 48KHz is my phone/OS native sample rate. JamesDSP was working for this testing so...
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    EQ Software for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS/iPadOS and Android.

    Thanks for mentioning this. I've had JamesDSP loaded as a Magisk module on a rooted phone for years and used it occasionally to drag better sound out of rubbish bluetooth headphones/earbuds but I was quite a few updates behind and it didn't work with all apps. This new version looks (visually) a...
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    What are we listening to right now..

    Hania Rani - Live for KEXP I don't think I've seen this one posted yet but it's one of my favourite filmed live sessions of hers!
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    Please help with building my first system!

    Thanks for the links @Berwhale - good spot on the KH80, that's a better price. But probably still above my budget to build the full system, and probably "too good" for my room to justify! I've just come across the Adam T5V which seem to get a good write up and some favorable opinions round...
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    Please help with building my first system!

    Thanks for the video, useful stuff! The KH80's are about 850 a pair in the UK so too much for my budget. I had the seen iLouds before. They come in at abut 640 a pair so would still stretch the budget a little. I like the size and in built calibration though. Has anyone on here got a pair?
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    Please help with building my first system!

    OK thanks all for the advice. I am leaning towards getting a pair of the Elac B6.2s and then driving them from an SMSL SA300. I'll be starting with the built in Bluetooth on the amp anyway and building up the RPI streamer after. If the USB DAC input sounds sub par I can always try a cheapish...
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