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  1. Marasmic

    Verum Audio Verum 1 Review (Headphone)

    These or the Drop Aeon Closed X for electronic and trance music? They're about the same price right now.
  2. Marasmic

    Need a pair of monitors with better bass extension than the IK MMs (Budget less than $500 if possible)

    Ok, definitely not for me then. I'm just gonna go ahead and give the Kali's a shot. Amirm said they had issues with distortion, but I doubt my ear is trained enough to notice. They also went all the way down to like 42Hz in Erin's testing, so they definitely have great extension for a 6" driver...
  3. Marasmic

    Need a pair of monitors with better bass extension than the IK MMs (Budget less than $500 if possible)

    I've seen a lot people recommending the Kali's and they seem solid for $200 a speaker. Any idea how they would stack up against the T5Vs? I'm only focusing on the Adam's because they're one of the few speakers in my price range that Amirm gave almost universal praise to.
  4. Marasmic

    Need a pair of monitors with better bass extension than the IK MMs (Budget less than $500 if possible)

    Hey thanks for the recommendation. I wish Erin would compile a list of his recommendations by price category, he does really good work. It seems like based on his review that they're good speakers with EQ, but without they measure fairly poorly. I don't have the equipment to EQ the speakers...
  5. Marasmic

    Need a pair of monitors with better bass extension than the IK MMs (Budget less than $500 if possible)

    Hey all, I'm currently in the market for a pair of monitors to replace the IK micromonitors I bought. The micromonitors are very impressive for their size, but they're very forward with the mids and they're not able to reproduce the bass tones in a lot of the music I listen to/make. I bought...
  6. Marasmic

    Question about phasing and balanced cables

    Oh... That makes a lot more sense. I was just massively over-complicating this whole thing. So doing that shouldn't cause any issues with impedance or anything right? Thanks for the help btw. I asked like 3 subs on reddit and they just told me that it wouldn't work and to buy other equipment.
  7. Marasmic

    Question about phasing and balanced cables

    Hello, everyone. I'm trying to build my first DIY audio system and I'm trying to use my existing audio interface as the DAC. I have a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 and it has 2 sets of balanced 3.5mm outputs on the back. I was going to connect 2 cables like this one to the right and left balanced...
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