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  1. anphex

    Cambridge Audio Minx XL Speaker Review

    I bet that if they took a little more care with the crossover design this speaker could perform MUCH better.
  2. anphex

    Micca MB42X G2 Budget Speaker Review

    The main issue with speakers that have extremely precise directivity control is that they tend to have a rather narrow dispersion. Personally, I’d prefer a speaker that’s slightly less linear but offers reasonably controlled, very wide dispersion over a perfectly flat speaker with limited...
  3. anphex

    Micca MB42X G2 Budget Speaker Review

    Mostly smooth FR and a super wide dispersion at that price? Count me in.
  4. anphex

    I think I found why some people like high distortion tube amps and some don't

    In my SAE Audio Engineering DIploma Course (yeah, I was young and naive) there was a mention of the "residual effect" of our hearing where the root note is simulated in our brain based off the harmonics a sound has. That's why you can "hear" the root note even though the speaker only starts...
  5. anphex

    Denon AVR-A1H High-end AVR Review

    Maybe the last new Denon product well see? It feels like every 2-3 years they put out a new AVR that isn't actually new. Audyssey XT is...
  6. anphex

    Has anybody heard the new KEF KF92 sub? What are your opinions?

    I have two of them—what should I say? For this size, there's hardly anything that performs better. No hint of resonance, and even at higher frequencies, you can’t localize this sub. Compared to the KEF Kube 12 MIE I had before (which I initially thought would be enough), the KC92 was a...
  7. anphex

    SMSL PS200 Budget DAC Review

    No meme from me this time. SMSL made progress here -> huge price reduction! Good work, stay on that path.
  8. anphex

    Please don't post full transcript of videos

    I get where you are coming from, but there are way too many videos out there where it's just some person talking stationary at the camera for 20 minutes straight without any other media input. If you do this, just opt for a podcast or introduce more graphs, animations, cuts, shots, angles. There...
  9. anphex

    $20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

    Jup, I was wrong about the DSP. But I did not say the bass has diffraction issues, it's the mid and highs on that array that I mean. I'd love to see an Erin/Amir measurement of that.
  10. anphex

    $20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

    Ohhh it's true, surprisingly! Then, if they really reach that kind of perfomance they show on their specs on their website then it's really impressive. I still don't really trust their rather clean 45° off axis measurement. How can this be done with that "clip-on-mid-tweeter-array". This thing...
  11. anphex

    $20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

    Unless I've seen a measurement from Erin or Amir I don't trust Geithains to have a reasonable clean radiation pattern. The weird baffle with the "clipped on" mid and tweeter can't help to have a weird frequency response and radiation. Turn the DSP of the speaker off and I bet this speaker would...
  12. anphex

    $20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

    Hey OP, maybe I forgot to clarify one detail. As long as you are not a movie enthusiast who needs lots of LFE, the Blade 2 Meta will have just fine low end, even more so in room. The 33 Hz @ -3dB point is just insane and unless you have a passion for organ music in the lowest octave, I would say...
  13. anphex

    Monitor Audio Apex A10 Speaker Review

    Then your baseline for "cheap and crappy" is definitely higher than mine.
  14. anphex

    $20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

    Maybe bringing back this topic on OPs track: I had this exact same question 6 months ago. I went to check the Blade 2 Meta, the Reference 3 Meta and meant to listen to the 8361 in the Berlin Genelec Experience Center. But it never came to the latter. How you might notice in my signature, the...
  15. anphex

    SMSL RAW Pro-DAC1 Balanced DAC Review

    ... *sigh*.... DAC manufacturers:
  16. anphex

    Battle of RCA Cables: Mogami, Amazon, Monoprice

    Fun fact: I had to try out some of my RCA cables from my audio stockpile at home to connect new amp and sourrnd speakers, and the absolut cheapest, thinnest RCA cables where the ones with the least noise. So a bad executed "thick" shielding is worse than no/ a simple shielding at all.
  17. anphex

    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    Oh not like that, I meant with EQ you always have to lower the total volume to give the desired frequencies more space. Thus if you add for example a 6dB shelf bass boost, you will have to crank up the DAC or the audio from the source by 6 dB to keep the overall volume similar as compared to...
  18. anphex

    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    I realized I had confused SINAD measurements with pure signal-to-noise ratio. SINAD is generally about 5 dB lower across the board for all AVRs. Interestingly, Denon AVRs seem to have a gain of around 26–29 dB, which is slightly lower than I expected. That said, my main point still stands...
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