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  1. O

    Am I missing out? (R2R vs DS)

    R2R/sigma delta is an implementation detail, either can be sufficiently good at reproducing the intended signal that no audible differences should exist. The K11 isn't particularly linear from what I've seen but shouldn't be anything too significant. Non-oversampling mode will have a sound...
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    Reality check - is this YouTube Noire X review total BS or not?

    And this forum is not here to indulge audiophile fantasies. Needless to say I'm not actually expecting a coherent explanation of scaling from you, because it is a muddled nonsensical concept - invariably put forth by people with no meaningful understanding of electronics or how amplifiers work...
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    Reality check - is this YouTube Noire X review total BS or not?

    So please explain "scaling" to me. What is being scaled? What aspect of an amp's performance is hidden or revealed by one headphone or another, assuming it clears the objective electrical demands a pair of headphone places upon the amp at a given volume? Clearly that's not what's being talked...
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    Master Complaint Thread About Headphone Measurements

    ...why? I can read people's subjective impressions literally anywhere on the internet. The value is the measurements taken with equipment way outside my budget.
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    Class D high frequency problems.

    The information is in Amir's reviews, it is being measured. I think it's fine to care about it and make purchasing decisions accordingly. What Amir chooses to highlight in his evaluations of measured performance and where he chooses to measure the multitone is up to Amir (I would personally...
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    Class D high frequency problems.

    Audible, possibly, if you knew what to listen for with the right kind of material, but far from obviously. Significant - well, I recommend simulating it for yourself. I reckon I could maybe just about pick out some nastiness -70dB down from a pure test tone. Masked by music, it'd be hopeless.
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    AP Mastering: "Nyquist theorem debunked: why 44.1kHz sounds bad"

    "Foundational theoretical underpinning of conversion DEBUNKED: why every CD sounds bad" should be the hint that this guy is a clickbait peddling clown It takes about 2 minutes in Audacity to discover for yourself that if you do something approximating sinc reconstruction of his allegedly...
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    Class D high frequency problems.

    Keep in mind that in real material as opposed to test tones, there will generally be little power at high frequencies relative to stuff below 10khz. Not sure most tweeters could even handle the power levels that would make a class D amp underperform for any significant amount of time. It's...
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    MOTU Technical Support Warning

    It’s unfortunate but as a general rule I wouldn’t expect companies to dedicate many resources to supporting decades-old consumer electronics. Costs them time and resources that very old products are no longer paying for.
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    "Bias" of some members towards headphone measurements?

    What? Distortion measurements should measure distortion (ie, nonlinearities in the response). A measurement protocol to measure soundstage should be designed to measure soundstage. Considering an illusion of soundstage would necessarily depend on your particular head/ears, it's far from...
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    God of SINAD vs. reality we get from most available music files

    So, the worst instruments for gauging any kind of objective difference. Assuming you have a DAC that is not going clearly benefit from upsampling by virtue of bad design (ie some goofball audiophile NOS thing), you hear it because you expect to hear it and you're listening without any controls...
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    Looking for recommendations for my headphone stack

    Amir got a pretty ugly looking result when he measured the Sound Blaster Z's performance with multitone test signal (this level of IMD will likely be audible), though he didn't seem to investigate further. Seems like it's got issues in at least some circumstances...
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    Naim Uniti Atom HE power amp suggestion + Apple Music

    Well that was easy. Don’t let the door hit ya So glad I don’t work in audio, where you can apply all your design know-how to making capable hi-fidelity devices, and still have buffoons trash them based on some purported lack of “musicality” they could not possibly quantify or provide evidence...
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    Reality check - is this YouTube Noire X review total BS or not?

    Since "scaling" is meaningless nonsense, any conclusions about a headphone's ability to "scale" are meaningless nonsense. Being a very low-impedance and low-sensitivity headphone, you definitely want to be mindful the amp you're driving it with can handle that at the highest listening volumes...
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    Meze 105 DAC/AMP Pairing

    The Schiit stuff you're considering should be absolutely fine and will not color or muddle anything. As will the Atom 2 stack.
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    I want an opinion on a DAC that produces great sound. RME ADI-2 DAC FS , EverSolo Z8 , Topping D90SE !

    Spending $700-$1000 on a pretty basic DAC seems a bit crazy to me. Either buy the RME for the feature set or get something much cheaper. They will all produce the same sound.
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    I don't see anything strange about the existence of systematic perceptual quirks among humans. Most people reliably experience the same sorts of optical illusions - so much that I had a book of them as a kid. That is not a pathology of human vision, it is a property of human vision - it...
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    Yes, audiophiles and the slimier audiophile companies have been pushing this line of reasoning for as many decades as I've been reading discussions like this, while never proposing what it is we are supposed to measure that we do not. The reality of human hearing is that our ears are not very...
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    Some actually believe that music from different drive types (SSD,HDD) or different SATA cables can sound different

    If your SSD was so bad at reading data your computer would never boot to the OS or load your player without crashing. Unlike your ears, a rough approximation of the correct instructions or data is not intelligible to a CPU.
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    poor streamer power supply impact the DAC performance?

    Well, do you hear noise? I can imagine many things if enough has gone wrong in terms of engineering or hardware failure, but a well-designed device should be reasonably insensitive to power quality - within reason.
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