Search results

  1. Fidji

    Denon/Marantz - the end is near

    If there was some buyer - we would have known, as Sound United is for sale for quite some time already. My personal estimate - they will in the end split it - sell B&W, D&M, Polk separately, liquidate Classe etc. Somebody will see value i “great traditional British speakers”. Sounds United...
  2. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    and it is still quite positive review …….
  3. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    please do so, or ask admin to rename this thread to “worst measuring loudspeakers and non correlated off-topic about multichannel”
  4. Fidji

    Denon AVR-A1H High-end AVR Review

    I would say Primare comes near to what you want or if you want to go full audiophile 7.2 you can always splash 20k for Linn Selekt and BTW you can have 8 Channel Trinnov Altitude 32, if this is...
  5. Fidji

    Denon AVR-A1H High-end AVR Review

    Actually you can get for 4.800 eur here in Europe. So not THAT expensive, down from 7k dreamprice at introduction. You see all of D&M stuff heavily discounted everywhere, even those brand new Marantz gimmicks - and once you ask in the store you can shave another couple of hundreds.
  6. Fidji

    What pets have you had? Post pics of your pets, previous or now. Why do I love my pet so much?

    Most gentle soul and bundle of untamed energy.
  7. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    Most of the people do not have access to the toilet. Actually “most of the people” is quite stupid argument in most of the cases. :) Right question to ask is “are there ENOUGH people that care about stereo, mch, good measurimg speakers and DAC’s etc”. In case of MCH the answer is obviously...
  8. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    I have spent last weekend relaxing with DG Carlos Kleiber recordings in Atmos - and in my opinion - once you taste the superiority of MCH, especially for classical music - there is no way back. Real dillemma starts, when top interpretation is not avaialble in MCH. My 2 cents on MCH - there is...
  9. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    Absolutely logical and makes sense. Yet, some of the best sounding music was produced on those monitors. Figure that.
  10. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    Absolutely - as real not-amplified instruments [including voice] are most valid reference point to "reality" [other being test tones]. But it requires to spend hundreds of hours actually LISTENING to this live music. Sounds simple, but I was surprised how many of my audiophile acquaintances...
  11. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    We have another candidate to talk about - maybe not worst, but for sure not that great either with hilarious response from manufacturer, I think they do it properly - not arguing about some measurement details -...
  12. Fidji

    Dirac ART is now running on beta FW for Denon Xx800H AVRs!

    I do agree with your diagnostics - also my experience is that 40-100 Hz is critical, as there is much more content there, and ear starts to be more sensitive to mostly timing/decay/phase related problems. And sorting issues there was important foundation for all of the other adjustments. But...
  13. Fidji

    Dirac ART is now running on beta FW for Denon Xx800H AVRs!

    I am occasionally watching this thread, as I will be installing smaller secondary cinema and as i have soft spot for Denon/Marantz, I was hoping to get cutting edge DRC in affordable package - ART on Storm is of no interest, as it lands me into Trinnov type of cost. I had a chance to hear...
  14. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    modern DRC systems such as Waveforming or Dirac ART do achieve really good results, you will find lot of measurements out there. They require lot of real estate, but results can be exceptional - both in time and frequency domain. Or you can always rely on good old Double/Single Bass Array. I...
  15. Fidji

    Worst measuring loudspeaker?

    You’re taking it bit too seriously, mate. Nobody gets killed by directivity error or 3rd harmonics distortion, even in high doses. What baffles me, how dramatic can this all become sometimes - it’s just hobby, you know. We forget to enjoy the stuff and run in circles of overthinking and...
  16. Fidji

    SMSL RAW Pro-DAC1 Balanced DAC Review

    Stacking 2 DRC's/EQ's on top of each other creates lot of opportunities to completely ruin the sound and/or speakers. ANd [but this is just my personal opinion] - adjusting for specific music/tracks is something I avoid - if it sounds like sh..t and it was artist intent, then it should sound...
  17. Fidji

    SMSL RAW Pro-DAC1 Balanced DAC Review

    What is the exact advantage of having limited capabilities PEQ in DAC as opposed to sort out DRC/EQ in the source/playback SW? Not disagreeing with your other points. SMSL/Toppin/Gustard etc and their product lines are absolutely interchangeable bricks, with the same performance (all audibly...
  18. Fidji

    SMSL RAW Pro-DAC1 Balanced DAC Review

    I fail to understand why would anybody need/pay for MQA decoding in 2025. And just as a suggestion - all above 120dB SINAD should be lumped into one bucket "more than enough" SINAD to avoid this senseless SINAD race not paying off.
  19. Fidji

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    a) apollon audio. b) my experience with Purifi amps - audiophonics 1et400 with opa1565, apollon 7040 dual mono sparkos and now apollon 9040 mono with weiss opamp. Used them as L-R - C duties, always on mid-gain. regarding differences between purifis - I need to remind you, that we are not...
  20. Fidji

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    I think most of the use cases with symmetrical connection call for 20dB gains. Allows for optimal S/N through the full chain. I have 9040/Weiss monoblocks, at 20dB, with rest of amps for MCH at 19dB. Difference to previous 27dB gain NCORE setup is quite substantial. but I cam agree, that all...
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