Search results

  1. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    If you are referring to the dynamic range of the speaker in a given space in perceived volume, then I disagree. Music is mixed differently than movies for cinema, movies for streaming, and movies in the near field. Matt Poes has a great explanation on his Youtube channel (which I won't link to...
  2. P

    Denon AVR-A1H High-end AVR Review

    I applaud your effort but you're swimming against the current on this site. For every post trying to point out the level of functionality something like this AVR brings to market, you'll be greeted with 5x as many "topping amps get XXX SINAD for 1/10th the cost". It's sad because ASR DOES...
  3. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    Audioholics just dropped their review of the Monitor 8s: Seems like a no-brainer if you want loud, accurate speakers under $10K built like a tank using very high quality parts. Add in the 10 year warranty, free...
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    Marantz Cinema 30

    I hope to join the "generally happy" crowd as I just ordered a refurb from Marantz Outlet and am deciding if I will send it in to Amir for a bench test. (I was using a Denon AVR X4700h for the living room and kinda want to know how much "better" the 30 is.) I'm going to use it in my, call it...
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    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    TOTALLY know the feeling ALL. TOO. WELL. I guess I'm not that suspicious though. I think Arendal went all in with the 1528 series and I don't think they expected all the problems with customs everyone is having. There could also be some issue with manufacturing that changed their design. They...
  6. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    I guess it depends on use. If you have one row of seats or a main listening position, the 1723 are probably fine. If you have multiple rows or need 20 or more degrees of "good" vertical dispersion, then I can see where you might have problems with certain things like dialogue audibility or...
  7. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    Email Matt Poes at Poes acoustics. He sells KEF and the Reference 5 was something I was interested in. Don't quote me but the KEF didn't have the dynamic range of say a Perlisten and likely, the 1528 Tower. Cleaner response but lacked that dynamic "wow" that the others provide in sheer volume. I...
  8. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    Check out Erin's Audio Corner channel on Youtube: It's a LOT to get but he gives some of the best explanations while equating the measurements to "sound quality/preference" I've seen.
  9. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    I didn't think you were. (There are many others on other social media platforms speculating and accusing reviewers of unethical behavior. Even Amir on ASR has communicated with manufacturers if something is found during his independent testing.) I would bet that during testing, something didn't...
  10. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    I am not a costumer of Arendal and have elected to go with som Perlisten S7t but am wondering why many are asking for reviews of their entire 1528 product line? What speaker company and speaker line has EVERY offering reviewed for both objective and subjective feedback? Is it possible we are...
  11. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers Measurements and a review. Looks pretty close to what Arendal has on their site. Give or take a few DB.
  12. P

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    Stand corrected. I mean if Porsche can do it on every car, certainly Dylan and his yet to be confirmed beagle can. I will bow out and say happy holidays to all!
  13. P

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    See, there ya go again... Gonna need to see his vet record and papers from the breeder proving he's "Beagle". Also, need that microchip number posted as well... :D;)
  14. P

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    I don't believe you. Gonna need you to hire a QC guy and tell him to tell me that you hand assemble these... Thanks...
  15. P

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    Exactly. You've been saying that for what? 10 pages now? Why is this so controversial? You have WAY MORE PATIENCE than I my friend. Hats off to you for being professional, respectful (unlike many here that are making accusations without evidence), and responsive. I think I may now be a future...
  16. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    What is interesting for me at least, is the horizontal, off-axis directivity they measured is near identical to the on-axis. As their review states, placement is key. I would also think room size is important. You'll need a LARGE listening area for these things to reach full potential. I'm...
  17. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    Why do you keep trolling this page? it's Christmas. Why don't you do the people who actually want to try these based on the good reviews and measurements a favor and post your displeasure somewhere else? I don't get your attempts at dumping on a product you've never heard or have any experience...
  18. P

    Arendal 1528 high end speakers

    Soundstage has been measuring loudspeakers for YEARS at Canada's NRC anechoic chamber. I'd say they're pros. As far as distortion, you're not going to find many loudspeakers that beat what the Arendal can do at 50 hz. The Revel Ultima Salon 2 has higher distortion comparatively at 95 db. Other...
  19. P

    Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

    Says who? Buyer beware ring a bell? As stated numerous times already, Buckeye HAS tested the design, they feel it's a faulty part, will get a new sample sent for review.
  20. P

    Shure SE535 Limited IEM Review

    Thanks Amir! I own the SE535 and often felt they lacked bass. I'm a drummer and used them primarily for monitor use. But I did buy their adapter to use them in the gym and on flights etc. They were once great at sound isolation but now seem so far behind what's available with noise canceling...
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