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  1. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Ha... I am faster than Pogo! For the first time! There is a new BluOS Upgrade out there. Unfortunately the M66 isn't mentioned again. @Hear Here: The term "room correction" might be misleading because you don't change the room. But shall we call it "room and speaker misconceptions and placement...
  2. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    @those with Dirac: I think there is to much theory in here. Why don't you simply measure your main speakers with Dirac and show the results here? Then we could see where there are problems in the room and can discuss if it makes sense to enable subwoofers and / or DLBC. And I think there is...
  3. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    @ex audiophile Yes, thanks, I understand. So at least I am not the only one who found the M66 not convincing. Nocko!
  4. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    This was one of about ten faults my M66 also had. So, yes. I think this is the case with all M66. Like the not dimmable display, the IP/TCP control, the sub latency with "analog direct" and I bet, all of the M66 will forget which screensavers were chosen by the user when they are disconnected...
  5. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    That's the traditional way to integrate subwoofers. There is nothing wrong with this way. But it renders the M66 and Dirac DLBC useless. You could use any other (pre-) amp. That's what hear here's postings are about. Nocko!
  6. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Now I am curious... I also gave back my M66 but which reasons did you have? By the way: I was very interested in the Anthem STR but decided to go another way (I wanted Dirac...). My former Anthem Statement D2 was great with real support. I hope Anthem is still as good, as it was ten years ago...
  7. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    ...Pogo is always trying to promote NAD. That's a running gag here. Don't take him and me to serious - I am the opposite: The "NAD hater!"... Back to topic: We mix it all together here: 1. When not using Dirac/DLBC it would be great, if you could simply send a full range signal to the main...
  8. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    How do you know? I am not sure but as far as I know there is only one single manufacturer that actually delivers preamps with Dirac ART. And that is not NAD. So how do we know if there is or is not a hardware limitation within the M66 that restricts the options of ART? If the problem hear here...
  9. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Perhaps someday a few others here will understand why I am soooo dissapointed by the M66. I could tell you about my "final solution", but that would be unfair for the M66. From my point of view the killer application within the M66 was always Dirac DLBC with four subwoofer outputs. This gives...
  10. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Why should I buy a M66 then...? Nocko! P.S.: If this is a hardware limitation of the M66 or BluOS then there will never be ART for the M66. So do we have to hope for another update?
  11. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Oh, oh - that's a harsh comparison. Comparing the M66 with Microsoft Excel is a mean thing for the NAD... On the other hand, with the 911s that I knew (never owned one :rolleyes: ), everything actually worked as promised, which is why I would rather not compare the M66 with Porsche. Maybe with a...
  12. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    My main speakers have two 8" bass drivers per channel (Wilson Audio Sasha I) and my two subwoofers are 12" each (Velodyne DD-12). Both old stuff... In general in my rooms there was always by far to much bass, combined with dips in certain bass regions. I think you can't avoid this in an usual...
  13. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    That should be true for the M66. But when using DLBC this is also true. So you can't blame NAD in general for this behaviour. It is a crossover. As far as I remember, you can only define the crossover frequency. So yes, all frequencies above the crossover frequency will be cut off - but I don't...
  14. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Perhaps this is some kind of misunderstanding. My unit wasn't faulty. It was identical to every other M66 on the market as far as I can judge. But it didn't do what was announced by NAD. I think I shouldn't repeat all I had written here. But the worst thing was, that NAD announced the option to...
  15. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    I hope I wasn't meant to be a "hater". I hate nothing and no one. I actually found the sound of the M66 with DLBC to be excellent. What I didn't like about the M66 was that while I had it, it was technologically crippled to the core and didn't even had the features touted in the owner's...
  16. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    I am very happy that I gave back my M66. Five weeks since the last update and not one bugfix mentioned. Just BluOS blabla... Nocko!
  17. Nocko!

    Eversolo DMP-10, new release 25 october

    …when switching from the „Virtual Home Cinema Bypass“ (=Preset) to another source using the menu on the M66 and accidently use the menu for „inputs“ and not the menu for „presets“ you can‘t even use the volume knob to reduce volume at once. At first you habe to leave the menu. NAD missed the...
  18. Nocko!

    Eversolo DMP-10, new release 25 october

    Noooo… As long as you use presets, Pogo is right. And it is correct, that the IR-remote only changes the presets, not the sources. But as soon as you switch from the Home Cinema Input / Preset to another source (!) on the M66‘s display or with the app you are lost and get the volume of the Home...
  19. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    Sorry, dumb answer: I don‘t really like Marantz, I don‘t like the design and if there is the option, I try to avoid mass market products. From a technical point of view: Compare the options, settings and the API of a Stormaudio with an AV10. Considering the difference in price a comparison...
  20. Nocko!

    NAD M66 - finally someone makes a decent 2-channel preamp!

    I've ordered a Stormaudio ISP Core 16. Although I prefer stereo over surround by far I realized that I need a decent, trustworthy bass management and something that is "transparent" from a technical point of view and no more marketing blabla. A few years ago I had an Arcam Surround processor...
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