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  1. S

    KEF Q Meta is Coming

    Looking forward to the white paper. Hoping these have wider dispersion than the R series because of the smaller mid-range driver.
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    Kef LS60 wireless review by ErinsAudioCorner

    I understand it has more bass but I'm underwhelmed with its output above 100Hz considering this data from KEF and that it's a 3 way speaker.
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    Kef LS60 wireless review by ErinsAudioCorner

    In really disappointed with the compression measurements. Based on KEFs data in the white paper I expected it to roll off the bass but at least attempt 102 dB @ 1m above there. Even the ls50 wireless does better in output.
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    Behringer B212XL and B215XL review (by ErinsAudioCorner)

    I'm really glad to have this one measured. It has been the home theater darling on other forums.
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    The REAL Problem of March Audio's Sointuva WG (Review, Measurements and Reinforcements with Klippel device)

    Alan keeps asserting that the problem is due to the OP tinkering with the speaker, but from the original post and all later posts it looks the OP only began disassembling the speaker after he found the distortion issue.
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    A whole bunch of in-wall speakers (Kef, Revel, ML, B&W, M&K, Focal)

    Really excited to see the KEF measured in particular. I've always been curious about their in-walls, and I'm not aware of any other high quality third party measurements of them. They look really good. Other than the bass, the listening window is extremely flat.
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    What Speakers Would You Like Amir To Measure Next?

    I would really like to see the JBL Synthesis SCL-2 measured.
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    Sean Olive on Predicting Loudspeaker Sound Quality and Listener Preference

    I find it interesting that anechoic bass quality is big part of the model. In a room it seems like, to a point at least, the deviation in the anechoic bass response doesn't really have much of a bearing on the final result. Especially when you have things like floor SBIR from different driver...
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    Ceramic 18" full range speaker on Kickstarter.

    Nice 110dB vertical axes on the frequency response graphs. Pet-peeve of mine.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Very interesting. Might try adding some stuffing to mine.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Interesting that your clones don't have the 450hz dip. They use the 2262? I just measured the left port with the microphone flush with the mouth. The right one looked identical to me.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    I actually much prefer the seperate active solution. In traditional active systems I usually worry about the durability of the electronics. If something fails on a seperate system you can just replace that part. I do get that it's more complicated for consumers though.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    @pos You may be interested to know that Erin also measured your rePhase settings on my OpenDRC and the only substantial difference seems to be the MiniDSP tweeter looks 0.6 - 1dB lower (to its benefit, imo). If I want to improve the response using Erin's data, will the OpenDRC have enough...
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    You got it. Here is what that should look like applied to the listening window from Erin's data. It creates a pretty big dip at 287Hz since his data didn't actually show the 282Hz resonance as a peak for some reason. Without the new filters:
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Just for fun, here's my a nearfield of my left speaker with an EQ profile I built based on Erin's data.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Took some nearfield measurements of my other two M2s to (hopefully) even further rule out it being a bad sample. =26051&hash=3f96f3c8536e5f301c92fb1d9a217cfc']Attach files The woofer seems to track Erin's pretty well
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Infact, you can even just knock the gain down a little on the tweeter channel if you don't want to mess with equalization.
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    I'm still pretty convinced that smoothing and resolution don't really account for the differences. Even 1/6 octave smoothing doesn't really look like JBLs official spin. The tweeter looks shelved about a dB too high and has some high frequency deviation that could easily be equalized. And of...
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Not sure what you're getting at. I wasn't trying to figure out the unequalized driver response. My goal was to improve over the stock tunings, which could use some work imo.
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