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  1. J

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    But Neumann still has no integrated multichannel Bass Management. You have to provide that by external means (PC or AVR/P). Genelec has a clear edge on that at this moment.
  2. J

    AsciLab speakers are about to launch

    I don't know if I am reading that graph correctly, but I guess it's the other way round? (red and orange being before correction, dark and medium blue traces after correction).
  3. J

    Neumann KH120 II Monitor Review

    I suspect it doesn't matter much, as the clock in charge is the one in the interface, not those in the speakers, right? I think that sending the right 48khz signal to the speakers can help: It frees them from the load of having to resample the incoming data. If my memory doesn't fail, Dynaudio...
  4. J

    Streaming services

    I have a subscription both to Qobuz and Tidal. I use them through Audirvana Studio, which has very useful "audio scan" analyzer. According to this "audio scan", the Sheffield Labs CD tracks in Qobuz are 16 bits FLAC, but have a "detected quality" of MP3, 256 kbps. As for Tidal, the format is 16...
  5. J

    Anything with better distortion than Neumann KH150?

    I guess the Genelec 8331 is the only coaxial (plus 3 way design) that covers those bases and is not much more expensive than the Kh-150. But even being a 3 way design, I don't see it measures better than the Kh-150. I maybe wrong (we don't have IMD data from either model).
  6. J

    AsciLab speakers are about to launch

    Please remember to include IMD measurements as soon as you can (for the active and the passive versions). Thanks!
  7. J

    AsciLab speakers are about to launch

    I am intrigued by this. Will it better the THD and IMD numbers attained by Kef's latest 3-way speakers (or other state of the art 3-way designs)? I understand those are better than state of the art 2-way speakers such as Neumann's Kh-120II, Kh-150? Both with and without subwoofer help?
  8. J

    Multichannel with active speaker

    Samsung S95C and other tvs can output audio through USB. Anybody has tried this with multichannel USB DAC?
  9. J

    Topping DM7 8-Channel DAC Review

    I do have a DM7 and a stereo PC system. Multichannel feature fits perfect with Dirac Live Bass Control!
  10. J

    miniDSP Flex HT - Review and Measurements

    Kadajawi, I hope you can help me. I understand that the S95C earc-HDMI output downmixes everything to 2 channels, right? Have you tried to send multichannel PCM from the S95C to the Minidsp Flex HT via USB? Maybe that could be a "secret door"? I am using the USB audio out from the S95C to my 2...
  11. J

    Topping PA5 II Stereo Amplifier Review

    Well, not only an audiophile term. If you have a legacy high impedance source, the PA5II rca 2K ohms input impedance is not going to be "synergistic" at all... :-)
  12. J

    Denon AVR-X6800H now released.

    Here are the low level input/output specifications of this unit according to the manual: Analog Input sensitivity: 200 mV Frequency response: 10 Hz – 100 kHz — +1, –3 dB (Direct mode) S/N: 102 dB (IHF–A weighted, Direct mode) Distortion: 0.005 % (20 Hz – 20 kHz) (Direct mode) Rated output: 1.2...
  13. J

    Dirac Live Bass Control with mixed subwoofers

    I have a doubt related to this subject. DLBC for PC creates a discrete channel output for every subwoofer. My problem is: How is the LFE channel integrated with that? It seems as if I need another subwoofer just for the LFE channel, independent from those channels used for BM?
  14. J

    Dirac Live standalone for PC and Mac

    I hope somebody can solve one doubt Dirac DLBC, the PC version. When you have a multichannel setup (2.1, 4.1, etc.), do you need one SW for the LFE channel + another SW for the BM? In the "Channels configuration", it seems that Bass Management ("Subwoofer") and LFE can't be directed to the same...
  15. J

    Neumann KH120 II Monitor Review

    I would appretiate to hear more about how both speakers compare subjectively. I do have a pair of Kh80s (+Monolith 10v2 and Dirac DLBC) in the nearfield (108 cm) and wonder if the Kh120II would be an upgrade. According to the available measurements I see, the difference in distortion levels is...
  16. J

    New product: Arvus H1-D

    I understand there is no DRC (Dirac or any other) planned for the Arvus H1-D?
  17. J

    Topping PA5 II Stereo Amplifier Review

    Oh, that's good news then. Thanks!
  18. J

    Topping PA5 II Stereo Amplifier Review

    Thanks Rongon and danibound for the info. Maybe it's not safe for my case: I do have a lovely Sansui Tu-517 tuner. It's only output is variable, and I guess its impedance must be quite high. I am not certain, but I do own an Accuphase T-101 which, according to the manual, has around 2k in its...
  19. J

    Topping PA5 II Stereo Amplifier Review

    I can't find any info about this amp's input impedance. Anybody can help?
  20. J

    Apollon NCx500ST Stereo Amplifier Review

    I notice that Apollon indicates the following at their website: THD+N – – 0.0002 % 20Hz-20kHz. It seems this has not been met here? How would you compare this with the Audiophonics equivalents (HPA-S600NCX and LPA-S600NCX)? Those seem to have quite lower specifications: Typ : 0.0006% Max : 0.001%
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