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  1. timiambeing

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Sometimes I think we hifi aficionados have to rethink what used to be the standard criteria for great sound, I’m loving mine after a few days playing. Obviously my ear/brain learning has played a part now I am more used to the sound, a little EQ for my speakers and the room specifically measured...
  2. timiambeing

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Ok, well I’ve had mine for a few days, powered on and playing quietly to themselves. Coming from a V3 integrated orange knob thingy my first impressions after five minutes were - underwhelm… certainly they were louder, much louder, so much louder I had to reduce the gain with the little switch...
  3. timiambeing

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    My pair of V3 Mono’s arrived today, just wondering is it expected that these amps run so hot it is not possible to hold your fingers on the top of the case? Only my little V3 use to run just warm with its 48v power supply. Also, even with the gain switch at 25db I can barely move the volume knob...
  4. timiambeing

    Are you satisfied with your home Audio System?

    Voted ‘Yes But’ because this is a hobby, if I was ever thinking I couldn’t improve on what I had there would be no point, I could simply listen to my Sonus Bluetooth speaker and forget about it! Of course the measurement boys will tell you there’s no point because once you get a SINAD of (pick a...
  5. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio P3 Preamplifier & Headphone Amplifier Discussion

    In my setup I have them both set at around 1 o’clock and then I use LeedH digital volume control on my streamer for fine tuning - that setting means if the digital volume went crazy I at least wouldn’t blow my speakers! ;)
  6. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Just found out why, the iPad shows a different version of the page concerned, there are problems with layout and some sections are missing - loaded on the Mac and everything was there… something to check @Fosi Audio ?
  7. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    That’s interesting I don’t get that… is it because I am I the UK maybe?
  8. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I don’t get a discount form, just the page with all the details of the amp? I did get an email saying sign up for early bird discount but again the link just goes to the product page, it form or signup link on there?
  9. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio P3 Preamplifier & Headphone Amplifier Discussion

    Yes I didn’t find the headphone output to be up to much (completely separate headphone amp chip i understand) but that was comparing to £600 worth of Rebel amp! However as a preamp running into my V3 in another setup it sings just like you describe :)
  10. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Why do people want the sub out to have frequency controls? Surely the entire world and its mother uses active subwoofers, with comprehensive volume and frequency cut-off controls? And for those wanting high pass filters, you don’t reduce your frequency to the main pair, that’s crazy, you want...
  11. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Ah, I’m sorry! Me too! (well not Amir’s review so much, but certainly the comments of actual users and how they like it in their system - not that we must encourage such subjective comparisons of course!! [here I would put a sarcastic smiley, but I can‘t find any on the iPad version so I have...
  12. timiambeing

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    What’s wrong with hype? Fosi make audio fun, it’s their motto… ;)
  13. timiambeing

    Fosi vs NCore/Purifi: When would there be an audible difference?

    Talking of Fosi comparisons with more expensive Class D implementations, talking of PFFB etc…
  14. timiambeing

    Explain how to create an FIR file like I’m 5

    Hah! And I guarantee you will forget to turn off the existing EQ next time you want to measure from flat again! I do it always, every damn time! I’ve even put a note in the mic box now…
  15. timiambeing

    Explain how to create an FIR file like I’m 5

    I used initially a company called Home Audio Fidelity, Thierry is hugely knowledgable and supplies a little program of his own to do the testing. Then you can get some filters back in whatever format you desire and try them out, going backwards and forwards with Thierry until you get the results...
  16. timiambeing

    Explain how to create an FIR file like I’m 5

    Yes I just looked at the app notes and he demonstrates using PEQ for MiniDSP
  17. timiambeing

    Explain how to create an FIR file like I’m 5

    As far as I can tell, I only get the option for impulse file if I select PEQ, when I select FIR in the equalise setting there’s no option, so I just export that. It does end up as a load of .wav files, one for each sample rate, which I then select and compress into a zip file. Roon accepts the...
  18. timiambeing

    Explain how to create an FIR file like I’m 5

    I used to use REW but since finding HouseCurve life has got a great deal easier, so easy to use and so quick I’m even doing measures after the adjustments have been made just to check! Apple only, and you really do need a mic for best results as the iPhone only goes down to around 60Hz, but it’s...
  19. timiambeing

    3e audio TPA3255 260-2-29A Amplifier Review

    On the Facebook group they seem to be polling users as regards whether this should be in the SE ‘V’ range or the balanced ’Z’ ranged, most people seem to plump for the latter. Reading between the lines, and in a couple of replies I’ve had I would say it’s going to be Z range, with a volume knob...
  20. timiambeing

    "Micro Bamboo Project" : 3E Audio 260-2-29A Stereo amplifier + Micro-Audio PSU

    Sorry didn’t see this bit in your original post - that’s funny I’ve just bought the Sabaj A10d 2022 version for my headphone rig, so far it’s very detailed and clear, no nasties at all, seems to be a keeper! It replaces a Schiit Bifrost 2 which after a few months I thought was maybe not best...
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