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  1. G

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    I think the whole chain of events ends at our brain. What do we find most enjoyable.
  2. G

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    No, never much liked that mind altering stuff.......Like a Mars bar now and again. Seriously though, my amp is a 300B SET that I built from a Tubelab board. The preamp and phono amp are VTA kits. Speakers are a Jeff Bagby design that are 98DB efficient. It sounds very good to my ears, but...
  3. G

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    Yes, it would probably need a high efficiency speaker.
  4. G

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    Did you listen to it? How does it sound?
  5. G

    Douk Audio H7 Amplifier Review

    I have an Aiyima AO-7 TP, and it sounds pretty damn fine, being fed from a reasonably nice front end. I guess my question now is would I hear much of a difference if I upgraded to something pricier, like maybe Benchmark or something similair?
  6. G

    Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 Review (Vintage Tube Amplifier)

    My speakers are DIY Soundgroup 'Tempests". they're about 98 dbl efficient, so a pretty easy drive. sorry to say the kits aren't available anymore, but the parts might be. They were designed by Jeff Bagby and he's no longer with us, so I feel kinda fond of them. Iwas biasing to around 62 ma. My...
  7. G

    Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 Review (Vintage Tube Amplifier)

    Great review. Most of my system is DIY, so glad to see a DIY review. My amp is a 300B based on a TubrLab board. Preamp and phono amp are Vacuum Tube Audio, also DIY. With my 300B I've noticed ouput tubes and output transformers make all the difference in the world. Just discovered higher biasing...
  8. G

    Passive or powered monitor?

    I'm curious about the quality of the amps in powered speakers. Or, can I do better with an amp and passive speakers. I'll be listening about 6-8 ft (2M) from the speaker.
  9. G

    Electronics for Audiophiles: Voltage and Current (Video)

    Thanks, Amir. Please keep them coming!
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