Search results

  1. paddycrow

    What pets have you had? Post pics of your pets, previous or now. Why do I love my pet so much?

    My newest family member Yogi, presently 9 months old. He came to me as a foster with a vascular ring anomaly called PRAA (persistent right aortic arch). This is a serious health problem that limits a puppy's ability to eat solid food. We weren't sure he was going to survive his third month. He...
  2. paddycrow

    Review and Measurements of PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC

    LOL, the headless panther is all you need to know!
  3. paddycrow

    Anyone find it far more rewarding listening to real physical CDs on a CD player, rather than using FLACs? And why do you find this?

    Personally, I think listening to CDs on a CD player is a PITA. I use them once to rip, then it's archival storage for them.
  4. paddycrow

    AXPONA 2022-Anyone attending?-Exhibitor list now up

    Did anyone audition the Perlisten speakers? Any thoughts?
  5. paddycrow

    Most aesthetically pleasing amplifiers

    Hermon Scott retired in 1972, the brand was purchased by Emerson Electronics in 1985.
  6. paddycrow

    Living room system feedback request

    My preference is remote control via WiFi (running app on tablet). IR can be hit or miss.
  7. paddycrow

    What gear you wouldn't buy because of its name or cult status.

    Everyone needs a speaker that costs more than their car (and some houses)!
  8. paddycrow

    What gear you wouldn't buy because of its name or cult status.

    The logic behind hating a consumer product because of its name escapes me.
  9. paddycrow

    Most aesthetically pleasing amplifiers

    I believe you are correct. Looks like they've only been around since 2004.
  10. paddycrow

    Veneer over existing speaker cabinet

    If you're going to resurface a cabinet, why would you opt for vinyl over natural wood veneer?
  11. paddycrow

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    Genesis lost me not long after Peter Gabriel left.
  12. paddycrow

    Best speaker cable specs

    If it's like beer, it's whatever I have at present!
  13. paddycrow

    Are MP3 files the weakest link in my audio system?

    Having heard a few MP3s that were probably encoded poorly, I've stuck with WAV and FLAC rips for my library.
  14. paddycrow

    Any SPECTROGRAM experts? have a question/wondering if my idea is possible

    There is a learning curve with MATLAB, but it is very useful. As I recall, it's also not cheap, so my former employer didn't allow everyone to have it on their laptop.
  15. paddycrow

    Snake Oil Department, Top This

    As I said in another thread, D'Agostino gear is ridiculously expensive audiophool stuff. However, it is also impeccably machined and beautiful (IMO) to look at. I just can't comprehend dumping that kind of cash into audio equipment. I suppose if you can drive a $10M+ Ferrari, why not?
  16. paddycrow

    Snake Oil Department, Top This

    Cat Woman!
  17. paddycrow

    Most aesthetically pleasing amplifiers

    They are ridiculously overpriced audiophool products, but I have to say Dan D'Agostino amps are extremely well made and functionally beautiful.
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