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  1. gamersensual14

    Best studio monitors for $500 a pair?

    Hey everyone! Some time ago I created a thread asking for the best monitors for $300 a pair, and the finalists were the Adam T5Vs and the Kali LP-6s. Well, now I wanted to actually buy them but I've thought that if I'm going to keep them for a long time maybe it is wise to spend a little more...
  2. gamersensual14

    Midfield monitors comparison!

    I see, well you know what I mean here: speakers that are listened to at 2 meters of distance that normally have more than two ways and that normally are huge ^^. Oh I see, what a disapointment, I would expect more from Adam, are you excited for the new A series? Maybe the new A77H is better.
  3. gamersensual14

    Midfield monitors comparison!

    I'm creating this thread in order to discuss which midfield studio monitors are the best in terms of sound, price, looks, value for money, etc. I'll start by comparing two great brands, Focal and Adam. I havent had the pleasure to listening to the old Adam A77Xs (now discontinued because of...
  4. gamersensual14

    My Studio Monitors POP when turned on and off, is that OK?

    Hi everyone! Glad to be posting again in the forum. I recently bought a pair of Focal Alpha 50 Evo and I'm very pleased with their sound (tried and compared them with the Adam T5Vs and Kali IN-5s, and the Focal were the winners by far, IMO obviously), but I have realized that when I turn them...
  5. gamersensual14

    [Help!] Best studio monitors for recording, mixing and mastering?

    I guess that then, for me, the finalists are: Adam T5Vs and Kali LP-6s! I'll probably buy both in the future and keep the one I like the most. Thank you everyone! :D
  6. gamersensual14

    [Help!] Best studio monitors for recording, mixing and mastering?

    I see. With the KRKs I meant that he didn't like them as much as the Adams, Kali, or JBL. Thanks! ^^ Hey Analog! This is very interesting! As I said, I can position my monitors wherever I want, so I can't give an exact distance. Still, I can almost 100% guarantee I won't be listening at <1m...
  7. gamersensual14

    [Help!] Best studio monitors for recording, mixing and mastering?

    Hey! I just checked Amir's reviews on every monitor I mentioned in my first post and he really likes the T5Vs, T8Vs, and then the LP6s, and 306Ps. He didn't like that much either the Yamaha's or the KRK's. So as Napi said in his first post we are really narrowing the options, which I like. As...
  8. gamersensual14

    [Help!] Best studio monitors for recording, mixing and mastering?

    Thank you Napi! The money I'll invest on room treatment is not included in those $400, still, if I could save, lets say, 50 or $100 more, would you change your recomendations? Noted! Great advice! As long as they're not overwhelming I think I can stand it, although I'd obviously preffer some...
  9. gamersensual14

    [Help!] Best studio monitors for recording, mixing and mastering?

    Hi everyone! :) I just discovered this forum and it seems to be lot of knowledgeable people here! I'm Adrian and I would like to get a pair of monitors that can do basically everything related to music creation, from beginning to end, that means: composing, producing, recording, mixing and...
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