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  1. paul8088

    Watches in the 21st Century

    $4k for Casio? Dang it.
  2. paul8088

    What are we listening to right now..

    Randy Newman - Little Criminals
  3. paul8088

    I'm torn on what speakers to buy guys...

    I have about $5k and don't know what speakers to buy either. Considered Klipsch Forte 4 and Focal Aria 926 or Revel Performa3 F206.
  4. paul8088

    Qobuz or Tidal?

    Tried Spot, Tid and Q. Q sounds cleanest to me. Dynamics, clarity, smoothness. I literally spent couple hours listening to the same song/album between the 3. Sadly app kind of sux all around on Q. But the worst thing on Q is limit of number of songs in playlist. Why unlimited or like 10k. I...
  5. paul8088

    AXPONA 2022-Anyone attending?-Exhibitor list now up

    Hey, same experience here with these. The sound in that room was amazing. Small speakers so much depth, clarity and detail. Amazingly dynamic.
  6. paul8088

    AXPONA 2022-Anyone attending?-Exhibitor list now up

    I went on Saturday. It was good! Picked up some vinyl. Came home, listened to some music. I think I need $20k to make some improvements.
  7. paul8088

    AXPONA 2022-Anyone attending?-Exhibitor list now up

    I am local so will attend Saturday.
  8. paul8088

    Is PS Audio's Power Plant Snake Oil?

    I listen to the hi-fi pod. It’s pretty good because these guys go really in-depth into all different components. Explain a lot of things. One of the episodes was talking about the power cables. Is it really a thing?
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