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  1. Rodney Gold

    Kalman in Munich!

    Vivid speakers have been reviewed a ton , lots of them with measurements .. try the usual suspects like $tereophile... Never impressed me at shows either but its another matter well set up in a good room
  2. Rodney Gold

    Kalman in Munich!

    They have yet to make anything other than exceptional sounding in their speaker range.. havent heard the Kayas but have heard everything they should be nothing less exceptional than the rest of their range... Personally I dont like their looks in print pics , havent seen em in the...
  3. Rodney Gold

    60 kg DAC

    A torturous read..but why let it upset you?
  4. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    Pirad, Well , dirac via minidsp is $900 and a new trinnov is around $10k so 50 to 100x the price is a bit exaggerated...however the eu 3600 I paid for my pre owned unit is not a huge amount compared to system price or what I spent re doing/treating my room. As per Dallas's post re dirac...
  5. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    Does it really matter ? At the end of it all , as all these packages have a subjective target curve applied , you just do what sounds best for you. I found dirac to have a more diffuse wall of sound compared to trinnov which has uncanny 3d holographic imaging .. I could more readily suspend...
  6. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I was getting more of a drier pitch defined and more slammy and room pressurising bass with my current speakers without subs...which I preferred...and I listen loud ...full orchestra in the living room and all that...and am a bit of a basshead...
  7. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I did mess around with placement , all in corners , random , adjusting sub height etc and found the midwall position to sound best. I never really bothered with steep suckouts as I found them relatively inaudible. I tuned the whole thing by ear ultimately after meauring but there are tons of...
  8. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    Yes, I know , but its sometimes a pain in the ass to do 9 sweeps , especially if you messing with speaker/ chair position etc ..
  9. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    Yep , same as the trinnov , it will correct for its measured space .. however defining a large space to correct doesnt do it as well as for a sweet spot I have tried dirac in a single measurement scenario vs the 9 sweeps and its considerably better at the sweet spot than using multiples. DIRAC...
  10. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I had one midway all walls ... didnt stack them , ie mid front , back , side1 , side 2 .. my main speakers have 2 side firing woofers each .. so essentially 8 bass sources Im pretty sure he had setup instructions somewhere or it might have been in a review or write up. The site is changed since...
  11. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I had 2 pairs in stereo positioned midway each speakers I played full range and played the sub with a fairly low crossover .. maybe 40hz or so..I cant recall my speakers were full range down to 30hz or so I used duke le jeunes setup method and with the 4x10 varied delays ...
  12. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I have used sigtech, tact, lyngdorf room perfect , behringer, z-s7s, acourate drc , brutefir , krk ergo , meridian bass control , D speaker etc .. more DRC/DEQ devices I could list and I too find dirac the best of that bunch I ran a swarm of 4 SVS sb13 subs with my older G1 models ala...
  13. Rodney Gold

    MQA, DSP and "sound quality"

    I can tell you that I would never choose mqa over my trinnov or DIRAC room correction..EVER!!! Amirm I have set up Dirac via minidsp and the trinnov side by side and can instantly switch between them by changing inputs .. level matched as best as possible..2 totally different sounds ..trinnov...
  14. Rodney Gold

    Review and Measurements and miniDSP 2x4 HD DSP and DAC

    You just save the plugin and can sell it with the unit... You also have unlimited access to downloading the plugins you purchased on the minidsp site
  15. Rodney Gold

    Card carrying objectivists

    Would these guys qualify for a card?
  16. Rodney Gold

    Measurements of MiniDSP 2x4HD

    The dsp functionality of the 2x4hd is its reason for interesting as the measurements may be.
  17. Rodney Gold

    What is your favorite house curve

    The house curve is to put back what a normal room will do , you correct to flat which sounds rubbish and then you add in the lf room gain and the hf dropoff .
  18. Rodney Gold

    What is your favorite house curve

    A house/target curve after DRC is entirely subjective , B&K have a suggested curve , but this is not cast in stone. I set the curve by ear This is what I use with my trinnov And this is what I often used for DIRAC
  19. Rodney Gold

    Shootout between JBL M2 and Revel Salon 2

    AcourateDRC only works on the minidsp openDRC hardware. Its a "dumbed down" simpler version of Acourate As a simple solution for a digital pre , analog input , usb and toslink input remote controlled Dac with 4 output channels ( with crossovers/peq and all) , you could go for the minidsp...
  20. Rodney Gold

    Shootout between JBL M2 and Revel Salon 2

    I have used just about all the DSP/DRC schemes/devices on earth. Dirac is excellent .. you could consider a Trinnov which is a LOT better but 10x the price
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