It's like an expensive doll but who wants a luxury toy dressed in felt? I hope Focal has bolder options, like furs, red velvet or black latex for trasgressive listenings
Yesterday I had the chance to listen to the Tallis Scholars in concert in my town and I can't tell the magic of the voices in a big, reverberant church, there is no way to reproduce it at home, no matter how much you are willing to invest. It was an all italian religious program (Palestrina...
I don't know. I messed with stored eq and targets and I got strange measured curves, even a flat one, actually.
Now I have set the target ok (harman) and all the eqs off and using the umik1 I get something similar to what Rew suggested. Using my phone mic I still have a weird curve
We don't have measurements of WiiM Ultra yet but on paper is equipped with a newer and better dac chip. The dac section of Cxa81 is not SOTA anyway (see Amir test)
I just tested LDAC with my 6a and a FIIO btr15 after enabling the max streaming rate (you need to enter the developer mode). If you don't do it, the sistem by default choose the best quality possible to keep the connection (so you don't know the actual quality). The connection is really stable...
Yes but yesterday, thinking about a solution to route the REW test signal through the Wiim Pro, I realized that I have an old asynchronous USB to S/PDIF converter collecting dust in a box. Another reason to miss more spdif inputs on Wiim products