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  1. AuricGoldfinger

    Paul McGowan throws in the towel (Not really but it’s movement in the right direction)

    Ah. My thought was more in line with PS Audio being involved in the design and production of electrical products, and that their employees may be accredited in some capacity. It seems to be different in the U.S.A. We have apparently different and strict regulations around protected titles in...
  2. AuricGoldfinger

    Could vinyl playback actually be harmful?

    There are VOC emission tests that can be performed to fact check such claims, but by common sense it compares little with the intake of plastics and metals in our food products, or even the out gassing of furniture that has been made with petrol-based products and glued fibre boards. For some...
  3. AuricGoldfinger

    Paul McGowan throws in the towel (Not really but it’s movement in the right direction)

    My reply was in context to a member who stated PS Audio engineers were not engineers, based only on a Linked In profile, and that if someone is going to call someone a “fake engineer” they should reference a regulatory body rather than a social media site. I’m not trying to argue or advocate...
  4. AuricGoldfinger

    Paul McGowan throws in the towel (Not really but it’s movement in the right direction)

    Hi Amir, Wasn’t arguring for or against, I was replying to a poster who stated Pauls engineers were not really engineers when he checked LinkedIn, in whatever context that was.
  5. AuricGoldfinger

    Paul McGowan throws in the towel (Not really but it’s movement in the right direction)

    How did you look him up? Did you check if he’s a graduate of an ABET accredited program, or registered with the National Society of Professional Engineers? I don’t mean to be callous toward you, but there are channels to verify one is an accredited engineer.
  6. AuricGoldfinger

    Paul McGowan throws in the towel (Not really but it’s movement in the right direction)

    I hope this goes better than it did with Max Townshend. After more than a year of waiting for proof, the unfortunate end result was still a big fat nothing. Really though, Paul should have been providing measurements long ago. One of his “power conditioners” was found to do less than a Noma...
  7. AuricGoldfinger

    Help choosing Dac/Amp for genelec 8020D and IEMS

    Just about any would suit, but I’ll throw the SMSL M500 MkIII on the list. I like the form factor, given it can sit beside other electronics or even be tucked away. Check out the review by Amir, it was very clean in each test. It’s on sale at Apos and was on sale at Amazon last week.
  8. AuricGoldfinger

    What advice you wish you could have given to your younger self or someone new to this hobby?

    “Enjoy what you have and don’t chase perfection too much. Stay away from subjectivist audio forums. Replace old bias potentiometers with quality sealed types.”
  9. AuricGoldfinger

    Curious about this forum regarding my cable journey

    If you don’t want to do a live test, or it’s too complicated, then just record the audio output from the device with an audio interface. You can then do an AB test at your leisure, even with headphones. I’ve done this for years and even record the output from amplifiers through a voltage divider.
  10. AuricGoldfinger

    beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro Headphone Review

    I had a set of Senn HD598, and they were the worst-sounding headphones I had ever owned. The Beyers offered much better sound and build quality in direct comparison.
  11. AuricGoldfinger

    beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro Headphone Review

    I have some DT990 Pro 250 Ohms bought about 10 years ago. Hate the treble above say 7kHz, it’s my gripe with them. They do need bass EQ, but with that they sound quite good. I recall my distortion measurement was much lower, except at sub-bass frequencies.
  12. AuricGoldfinger

    Sony MDR-CD900ST Japan Headphone Review

    Not me. I appreciate that someone loaned them to Amrim for testing.
  13. AuricGoldfinger

    Where in the data can we see qualities like 'soundstage' or 'detail retrieval'

    I tried to understand what was implied by “soundstage” when rtings was evaluating mono bluetooth speakers, and I realized it was only a fluff term in that context.
  14. AuricGoldfinger

    Sony MDR-CD900ST Japan Headphone Review

    That’s kind of harsh toward the person who loaned it, don’t you agree?
  15. AuricGoldfinger

    Sabaj A20h Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    When something performs this good at such a low price, I can’t help but wonder why people bother with $2000 headphone amps. This one knocks it right out of the park.
  16. AuricGoldfinger

    Mission 778x, Marantz Pm6007, Yamaha a-s301 or a-s501 and pairing

    It will definately be down to your preference. The 600 S3 series isn’t as full bodied as the latest 700 and 800 series, and that was my main takeaway. It likes a few decibels of bass boost at the very bottom, but had surprising bass itself. I prefer this leaner midrange presentation for dual...
  17. AuricGoldfinger

    Mission 778x, Marantz Pm6007, Yamaha a-s301 or a-s501 and pairing

    Have you had a chance to listen to Bowers & Wilkins 600 lineup? If you are set on bookshelf speakers, I might recommend the 607 S3 or 606 S3. They’re a little more than your stated budget and the minimum impedance is a bit demanding, yet they may be contenders for a place in your system. Of the...
  18. AuricGoldfinger

    Can anyone validate my subjective findings?

    You don’t need a team in lab coats to set up the test. You can simply use a voltage divider on each channel to connect the device under test to an audio interface. I use approximately 1200 Ohms in series then a smaller resistor to drop the level and record from the output of an amplifier, while...
  19. AuricGoldfinger

    The Death of Windows 10

    As a non-IT professional working in chemical engineering, I’ve found the transition to later systems (Win 8, 8.1 and 10) to be problematic, due to the shortage of spare time. Win8 onward was a train wreck of UI annoyances, missing options and mouse gestures that seemed to be designed to make...
  20. AuricGoldfinger

    YONGSE Y01 Balanced Headphone Adapter Review

    My CC statement and checkout always showed Ali transactions charged in my local currency, not USD. It may vary by country.
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