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  1. A

    Disappointed with Shanling CD80

    Same experience here. Their Tidal API crashes the my M5 Ultra (a great DPA otherwise which I really wanted to keep) and shows only a few of the personal playlists: when reported to them by social media, no answer. When reported on HeadFi same answer you got, very dismissive. We are aware of the...
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    SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC & Headphone Amp Review

    I never experienced that in my unit.
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    SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC & Headphone Amp Review

    No amplifier. Misses one of the highlights of the RAW MDA1 and almost doubles the price. For AKM aficionados only....
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    SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC & Headphone Amp Review

    I had the DL200 and returned it after getting the RAW MDA1. The usability of the D200 is not even close. Remote fairly unresponsive, rotary volume nont nearly as pleasant, much less settings available, much worse screen, less inputs and, last but not least, no XLR analog out. With that said...
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    SMSL RAW-MDA 1 DAC & Headphone Amp Review

    Well, I had told you so! I was one of the first to buy this unit and post my very positive impressions. Enough to say I sold my SU-10 for 600£ after getting this for 215£ shipped from Shenzhenaudio because a blind test suggest me to do do....
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    I don't think it lacks a proper way to switch output: with the remote it is just a breeze, if you configure the Fn button that way.
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    Yes, RCA and XLR outputs can be set to work simultaneously.
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    Double press on the volume wheel doesn't work for me. It goes to the menu and then activates the selected option. I can also confirm that the Fn key of the remote can be configured to switch across all the output options.
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    Not for me. If I press the volume wheel I get to the settings menu, so you will need to select the output sub-menu and there you can make the final selection. Not a setting just one press away. There is also the ability to customise the Fn button on the remote: the choice is very limited but I...
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    Yes, a long press of the volume wheel activates the settings menu.
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    If someone is wondering how good is this DAC, my take is easy to guess by stating that my SMSL SU-10 is now for sale on Head-Fi. I do not know if younger ears than mine can find a difference in the way they sound, but yesterday I failed to tell them apart in a blind test. That is all I needed to...
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    S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1

    Received this 3 days ago from Shenzhenaudio and tested for 2 hours. I only have good things to say about it, both as DAC as headphone amplifier. Usability is considerably improved in comparison to the DL200, which remains a great bargain. Its carachter, for my ears (sorry no measurements which...
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    Hifiman HE1000 Stealth - how to fix male vocals with EQ?

    I had this very same thought and in fact I have 2 units (one resulting from the Hifiman upgrade program where I traded my Arya Stealth). I cannot tell them apart, in fact I had to label one of them to avoid confusing them. Same cable and equipment, rapid switch: they sound the very same to me. I...
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    Hifiman HE1000 Stealth - how to fix male vocals with EQ?

    These are the best headphones I had the pleasure to own. No more doubt, honeymoon phase over. I am surprised, however, that so little consensus exists in the various postings I read. Some describe the soundstage as wide as a Susvara (I, among those), others say is intimate. Some say is brighter...
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    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    I completely agree and couldn't have said it better. Especially when the disappointing results are achieved in conditions that neither the designer, nor the listener would consider relevant. The SINAD metrics gets the very same criticism. When you get the right tube amp or R2R DAC and discover...
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    Amplification and The HE6se v2

    Also my experience. And unfortunately I listen at higher volume than 80 dB...
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    Why the hate for Grado?

    I think for Jazz, Flamenco and Classical they are really good, especially the GS and PS models. I cannot speak for other genres. Definitely not headphones with subbass, so suitable for some types of electronic music. In my view some models are a good buy in the used market, such as the GS1000...
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    FiiO BTR7 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    Yes, I got both and can confirm the BTR7 does very well (and so does the 5).
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