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  1. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello HIFIBOY, Yes there is a bug with the current firmware version. We are working on that. For the time beeing please leave the device turned off for at least 2 mins or disable the stand by function. Sorry for the inconvenience. With best regards, Markus
  2. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello VTKZ, A Problem that sometimes occurs is, that the routing inside the audio interface is not set correctly. There must not be a direct connection between mic input and output to the loudspeakers. Otherwise there will be a feedback that way that the received mic signal is reproduced...
  3. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello CleanSound, Maybe this helps a bit: With best regards, Markus
  4. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello Qu@rk, If you have free field conditions stereo subwoofer constellation has advantages over mono sub. In real rooms room modes occure which usually destroy localisation completely due to significant level difference from one to the other sub. The "stereo image" you hear is usually caused...
  5. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello Qu@rk, I’m very sorry that you didn’t get feedback earlier. We are continually working on further developing our software. This is valid regarding new features as well as performance updates. With lack of infinite resources, we of course have to prioritize which feature or improvement...
  6. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello CleanSound, There are standardized limits microphones have to be in to fulfil the requirements for a certain measurement microphone class. It is mentioned in IEC_61672-1. According to this the maximum allowed deviation needs to be within those limits: (sorry, I just have this in German)...
  7. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello kindleman, The Neumann MA 1 measurement microphone can be used as a standard measurement microphone also in combination with other software applications. It requires 48 V phantom power and has the parameters as frequency linearity, max SPL and noise level according to the data sheet...
  8. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH 310A Review (Powered Monitor)

    Hello dfuller and happy new year to all of you here at ASR, You may know that we used to have the ATC dome in our old flagship O 500C and up to this time it definetly was (IMHO) the best dome midrange driver available. However, we developed our own dome midrange also to even improve the...
  9. Markus @ Neumann

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hello Chnoeldh, The software reads out the level which is applied to the input of the loudspeaker. During this process the monitors are muted since it isn't necessary to play out a signal. In general it is usfeful to click on the question mark if questions occur. This FAQ section is contex...
  10. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH120 II Monitor Review

    Hello, Did you consider the Bluesound Node which has been recommended somewhere in ASR? It has adjustable coaxial digital out. I recently bought it and use it since. Best regards, Markus
  11. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Hello Filio45, Both versions are possible. Going into the monitors first reduces the overall system delay because of the latency free digital out of the monitors.
  12. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Hello coolbeans, The digital output on KH 120II and KH 150 do not add any delay. It is a direct digital through with just a latency free buffer. In combination with a KH 750 the recommended digital signal chain would be to go into the 1st KH 150, then the second and then the KH 750. However...
  13. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Hello, The first time the information which channel is picked from the digital input signal is transfered into the loudspeakers is after the start of the ADAPT OUTPUT LEVEL procedure. It is not sufficient to just select them. Best regards, Markus
  14. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    The felt dampeners didn’t change. Both the GO grilles as well as the GKH grilles have them.
  15. Markus @ Neumann

    Obtaining the MA-1 calibration file without connecting Neumann Monitors

    Hello, sorry for that. We transferred the website to a new platform. Not everything is working properly up to now. It may take a bit until this online tool is up and running again. If you urgently need the correction table for the MA1 mic please sent it the Neumann head office account. I will...
  16. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hello, You’re welcome. Yes, the same is true for the KH310 grilles. Best regards, Markus
  17. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Hello, I will try to get clarify some things regarding this topic: It is the case that for normal modern music or classical music with reasonable bass content and a statistically large studio a pair of KH150s can deliver more max SPL than a single KH750. So if one wants to play the 150s to...
  18. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hello LTig, The grilles for KH 420 and O 410 are mechanically the same. Just packaging, name and the included Logo of course are different. The KH 420 grille is a current product and should be available. Best regards, Markus
  19. Markus @ Neumann

    Neumann KH120A - nearing end of life and repairs?

    Hello, Neumann guarantee to repair at least ten years beginning by the end of production of a product. This is also mandatory especially for broad casters which are a relevant part of Neumann‘s customers. Therefore the necessary components are stored in sufficient numbers. During the time the...
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