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  1. Multicore

    A Call For Humor!

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio play was 1978. It was the first in the franchise and also before youtube existed. Then came the book, a TV series, a computer game, a film, not sure what else.
  2. Multicore

    A Call For Humor!

    Book? Radio play!
  3. Multicore

    New ASR logo proposal

    I've experience making those. I think a new logo for a day on April 1 would be fun. Amir and the banana.
  4. Multicore

    New ASR logo proposal

    I was hoping this thread would come back to life.
  5. Multicore

    Movies Worth Owning

    I hated him in Ed Wood. I thought that was a disgraceful, childish, disrespectful way to portray such a great, visionary movie maker. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory didn't need to be remade but he was serviceable. The squirrels were good in that. Cry Baby is a very fine movie despite that...
  6. Multicore

    Ugliest component ever created

    That's too expensive but otherwise I could go for that David Cronenberg look. I mean, clearly that thing is going to come for you and eat you, slowly, starting with the right foot.
  7. Multicore

    Movies Worth Owning

    I saw the first three films from C&C in the cinema around 1993, I think. Very funny. The 2003 collection is also good. Mystery Train is also very funny. It's Dead Man I don't get along with. I think I have an allergy to Depp.
  8. Multicore

    How much power?

    Only if you've run out of loudness with what you've got. Do you notice a deterioration in the sound quality when you listen loud relative to a little quieter?
  9. Multicore

    Movies Worth Owning

    It is a marvel. I love Paterson. Simple, approachable poetry about the beauty and love that we can find and make in every day life. It's really superb. Jarmusch has done some great stuff. I enjoy most of his films. Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai is killer (huh huh).
  10. Multicore

    A millennial's rant on classical music

    It's an interesting concept. It seems McLuhan intended an academic social and political critique but the idea is useful also in aesthetics. For one thing, user interfaces and workflows are effectively like a language we must learn, more or less, and through which we communicate. For example, oil...
  11. Multicore

    Classical ♫ Music only | Some you listen now or recently, some you love...

    I see. That makes sense. I didn't know the work but evidently it's not like Feldman's 2nd string 4tet. A colleague at the radio once rook advantage of a staffing situation to play the FLUX 4tet's recording of it almost (within FCC rules) continuously. Those were the days. So, what do you make...
  12. Multicore

    Classical ♫ Music only | Some you listen now or recently, some you love...

    How do you listen to this in practical terms? I mean, things like: you set aside a Sunday for it or listen in chunks? What about breaks? On your own or with others? Phones or speakers? At home or on the go? What else do you do while listening, if anything? I'm not trying to be nosy or a voyeur...
  13. Multicore

    Cover me I'm going in! - Post your favorite song covers.

    I'm gonna let someone else choose a Steve Hillage cover of Hurdy Gurdy Man. I like the sound of the studio version on L best but the videos of the band live and on TV are hilarious. So Idk what to choose. But while we're on the topic of hurdy gurdy... Das Model - Kraftwerk - hurdy gurdy cover...
  14. Multicore

    Cover me I'm going in! - Post your favorite song covers.

    Hurdy Gurdy Man - Brix E. Smith (featuring Nigel Kennedy) It appears on a v/a comp called Donovan • Island Of Circles. Smith is great and captures the spirit of the song well. Nigel Kennedy does a good electric violin impression of the blissed-out guitar style of Steve Hillage who had the song...
  15. Multicore

    Cover me I'm going in! - Post your favorite song covers.

    Hurdy Gurdy Man - Butthole Surfers There are a lot of covers of this. The original Donovan recording is very weird and creepy and some of the covers are too. I'll see what else I can find.
  16. Multicore

    A Call For Humor!

    Yes indeed. Thankfully they are less commonly rented out full of top deck passengers and driven by students to move their stuff in at the beginning of term.
  17. Multicore

    A Call For Humor!

    I think that youtuber likely wins this category. 187 well-made videos, 329k subs and over 96 megaviews. This is the most viewed of them. Idk why I find these so entertaining. The reaction of the pedestrian is funny; the reaction of the driver as he gets out and takes a look is funny; even...
  18. Multicore

    Recommended Live Concert or Documentary Blu-Rays?

    Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum
  19. Multicore

    A Call For Humor!

    Every Memorial Day weekend here in Boston we enjoy the spectator sport of watching students drive rental trucks into the bridges over Storrow Drive. Search for "storrow drive" on youtube for many of the traditional local TV news stories about it. The following is actually an official attempt to...
  20. Multicore

    Aiyima A07 PRO Bluetooth pairing?

    Bumping this question. Do you know how to make a previously paired Aiyima pair again?
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