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  1. R

    Help to choose the right equipment for HE1000 V4 (HE1000 Stealth)

    I am in the US. I am doing EQ thru Roon so I don't need an EQ functionality on the hardware.
  2. R

    Help to choose the right equipment for HE1000 V4 (HE1000 Stealth)

    Thanks for your reply. No, I don't need a remote. :)
  3. R

    Help to choose the right equipment for HE1000 V4 (HE1000 Stealth)

    Hi All: I recently acquired a pair of HE1000 V4. Currently, I am using a Riopee Pi as Roon Endpoint and a FiiO BTR5 as DAC. With Lo gain and some EQ and it sounds "okay". I want to use the BTR5 for my InEarz IEM, and buy a new DAC+Amp (All in one) with a FiiO SR11 Streamer. I was looking into...
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