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  1. bboris77

    JDS Synapse & Neutron V1 USB Isolators Review

    In my case, ground loop noise only exhibited itself when there were multiple paths to the ground between different devices that were interconnected. In other words, when two or more of these devices used three-pronged grounded electrical plugs. It made absolutely no difference whether they were...
  2. bboris77

    JDS Synapse & Neutron V1 USB Isolators Review

    If one does not have an actual ground loop, the benefits of USB isolators are marginal and inaudible. However, these little gems can be a life saver for people who do have actual ground loops where the benefits are very real and easily audible. A few years ago, I had a PC with a powerful graphic...
  3. bboris77

    What makes The Beatles music still beautifull today

    For anyone that is genuinely intrigued by the Beatles and would like to try and get into their music, I would highly suggest listening to their The Beatles in Mono boxset. The simple reason is that most of their catalogue was recorded, mixed and released in mono. More importantly, stereo...
  4. bboris77

    What makes The Beatles music still beautifull today

    1. Melodies 2. Song Arrangements 3. Harmonies 4. Chord Progression 5. Lyrics
  5. bboris77

    TV Series Suggestion Please

    Don’t want to spoil it for people who’ve never seen the show. Funny thing is, very few people on the show actually knew how did it since the producers decided to shoot alternative versions in which pretty much the whole cast took turns shooting JR. :)
  6. bboris77

    TV Series Suggestion Please

    Dallas, the original one, from 1978.
  7. bboris77

    YAMAHA A-S701 - tear-down, thoughts about the internals & few measurements

    Too late for pics, I already installed the part :). The soldering part was very easy actually. A perfect fit. The only part where I screwed up a bit was when I put everything back together, I forgot to plug in one of the front molex connectors - see the pic. After I powered the unit up, the...
  8. bboris77

    Fosi Audio ZA3 Amplifier Review

    So, the incoming signal is split and the subwoofer out side then goes through an analogue low pass filter?
  9. bboris77

    Fosi Audio ZA3 Amplifier Review

    Does the subwoofer out on this unit operate in digital domain? I am wondering if the signal is going through an additional AD and then DA conversion. If that is the case, it may be preferable to simply split the signal out of a DAC and feed it to a subwoofer and adjust the low pass filter...
  10. bboris77

    Let's stop calling Class D amplifiers "efficient" when they are not.

    I just measured the temperature of the top my Yamaha with an IR Temperature Gun and it ranges from 30-40C (86-104F) with the hottest spot inside the amp being the heatsink at 45C (113F). My room goes up to 26C (78F) during summer, while downstairs is kept at 22C (71.6F).
  11. bboris77

    Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo Amplifier Review

    My opinion of their post-2020 products completely aligns with yours, and after having purchased more than 10 of their earlier products, I haven't bought one since COVID. I am very convinced that they would make a Class D speaker amplifier if they could make money on it. I think that the whole...
  12. bboris77

    Let's stop calling Class D amplifiers "efficient" when they are not.

    That would be my assumption as well. I do not keep the room closed most of the time, and I run my speakers at less than half volume since they are in nearfield scenario. I do have a tendency not to turn off my speaker amps and keep them running. The issue with the receivers I have is that they...
  13. bboris77

    Let's stop calling Class D amplifiers "efficient" when they are not.

    I have a fairly naive question not having owned a Class D speaker amplifier for any significant length of time. I have always had Class A/B receivers and integrated amplifiers in my main listening room that doubles as my office. It is a fairly small room on the second floor of our house that...
  14. bboris77

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Their response makes me actually want to try one of their amps.
  15. bboris77

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I like Erin in general, but it did rub me the wrong way how he kept saying that the damaged amp is going to go into the trash. It kind of implies that this is where it belongs and creates an impression that these amps are disposable. To be fair, I felt similar about Amir’s old review of the Sony...
  16. bboris77

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Has anyone been able to purchase the 2024 version with volume adjustable preamp outputs from Amazon? I’m just wondering if it is only available from their own website.
  17. bboris77

    Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo Amplifier Review

    Ok, rather than arguing with you, I will provide a quote from Jason Stoddard, the designer of these amps: He says: "Some mechanical noise is typical of most...
  18. bboris77

    Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo Amplifier Review

    I know, it’s ultimately about qc quality and luck. However, the odds are much higher that a high power/capacity transformer such as the ones used in class AB speaker amps will have some audible and physical vibration. At least that has been my experience from dealing with them.
  19. bboris77

    Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo Amplifier Review

    @amirm, did you notice any transformer hum/buzzing coming out of the unit during your testing? It is a fairly common issue with many class AB power amplifiers and receivers that annoys me and may eventually push me to a class D speaker amplifier.
  20. bboris77

    Fosi Audio ZA3 Amplifier Review

    I have a very specific question for anyone that may be using both rca and balanced inputs and is connecting a subwoofer: Do you need to readjust the volume level on your subwoofer whenever you switch from balanced to unbalanced input on your ZA3? I’m planning to use both inputs and it would be...
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