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  1. Z

    Apple TV 4K vs Windows PC for playback

    You stated: “It’s worse from AppleTV4K. No question - just more convenient.” That is a claim about sound quality. And I don’t think anybody said it “cannot possibly sound different.” It should not sound different, but you (or anyone) will perceive a difference not because there is something...
  2. Z

    Confused by Roon and high-end streamers

    I have never experienced any of these.
  3. Z

    Looking for Family Law Attorney in CA/LA Area

    My experiences doing family law in private practice led me to close my solo practice, and go into legal aid about 15 years ago. I still do the work, but no high asset cases. And I don’t know what your PI friends are doing looking down on anybody.
  4. Z

    What do you like in Roon?

    I have been an Apple guy for years, and a heavy user of Apple Music and Apple Music before making the switch. I did not like how Apple Music worked differently on iOS and MacOS. Also integrating my CD collection with my Apple Music library was wonky. I have an iPhone, iPad, and a MacBook...
  5. Z

    Looking for Family Law Attorney in CA/LA Area

    Their network will include people who know (or know of) the lawyers you want to talk to. The head of the tax, environmental, or banking group of the LA office of your big firm knows, at the least, the top names. But they will probably have a referral list for matters outside the scope of the...
  6. Z

    Recommended Live Concert or Documentary Blu-Rays?

    What opera has that? Or are you referring to all female opera singers.
  7. Z

    Historical # Numbers

    My understanding is the % varied greatly by region, and which wave of plague.
  8. Z

    Looking for Family Law Attorney in CA/LA Area

    From the attorney’s perspective, the opposite is true. A “property line dispute” either involves the State and insurance companies (zoning or eminent domain) or two mentally unstable neighbors, who are willing to spend $$$ on the “principal of the thing.” Either way, the lawyer gets paid. And...
  9. Z

    SMSL PS200 Budget DAC Review

    Good point. The passionate hatred of MQA around here is downright religious in its fervor.
  10. Z

    What do you like in Roon?

    I gave myself Roon for Christmas, and have been having a blast, the headphone eq is a revelation (it was my first experience eq’ing headphones). Another feature I like is zone transfer. I can be listening on my phone while doing housework, then transfer whatever is playing to my living room...
  11. Z

    Looking for Family Law Attorney in CA/LA Area

    If you know any big firm partners (big firm as in having a multi-state presence) or corp counsel folks in your area, ask if they know anyone in LA/SoCal. I have referred cases out of state this way. As others have said, it is a lot of legwork, but necessary. Also, for a family law matter, ask...
  12. Z

    Looking for Family Law Attorney in CA/LA Area

    It’s not my jurisdiction, so I can’t help you. I do recommend that you get a referral from another attorney (does not have to be a family law practitioner) who practices in the same County.
  13. Z

    Extreme Snake Oil

    Please see #5,523 above.
  14. Z

    SMSL PS200 Budget DAC Review

    I remember Mr. Scheib telling me he would paint any car, any color, for $39.95 (that was the early 70s). By the 80s inflation made it $99.95. But those commercials just kept running.
  15. Z

    SMSL PS200 Budget DAC Review

    As others have said, not for sound quality, but for features (Volume control, HDMI ARC, display).
  16. Z

    Movies Worth Owning

    Saving up for the Criterion “top 40”.
  17. Z

    Worst movie ever?

    Just pick any made-for-baby-brains Marvel or DC title, and you have your answer.
  18. Z

    How to live vicariously through your children (setting up first system for my daughter)

    IMO, the best approach is to give your children some of your current gear, which means you simply have to replace those items with something newer and more expensive.
  19. Z

    all these 'Desk setups'...?

    Oh dear. Quite mistaken? I had no idea people bought expensive speakers to go along with their expensive headphones. Again, trolling.
  20. Z

    all these 'Desk setups'...?

    Because I listen to headphones. I think most desktop setups are used for headphone listening. I think you know this, which is why I think you are trolling.
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