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  1. T

    E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review

    @IVX I see from the pictures of the PCB that the Cosmos ADCiso has a I2S interface. Is it possible to use it without streaming audio through USB? Lets say send commands to the firmware with simple USB MCU and stream audio through the I2S interface into the I2S interface of the MCU or a DSP
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    McIntosh MPM4000 Power Meter Review

    I find it facinating how the electical motor power engeeneers has solved the current measurment problem in a cheap and accurate way for motor control. Warning: reading this and your head might start to spinn:
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    E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review

    So important to use a sample frequency that corresponds with analog ADC filter for a clean recording of the analog signal. RIAA with high gain might or mighth not have high HF noise
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    E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review

    Have you checked the phono preamp for HF noise between half PC sampling frequency and ADC low pass analog filter? Lets say between 50k and 200kHz? REW with 512k sampling could be used. If there is noise it will be folded back into audio spectrum.
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    Why would anyone use an AB amp for a tweeter?

    Active design amps should be noise and distortion optimized for 3 bandwiths 20-300 hz 100 - 3 kHz 500 to 50 kHz
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    Why would anyone use an AB amp for a tweeter?

    In the other end of the spectrum the post filter feedback design of cheap 200 watt class D designs are excellent. I have just bought one for 20 to 200 hz duty. Abundant gain bandwith for 200 hz duty. Actually also nearly up to 3k A little irritating they design them to start the harmonic rise at...
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    Why would anyone use an AB amp for a tweeter?

    Yes function wise. Ncore are super high gain bandwith analog design. Then it doesn’t matter if it is D or A/B So thinking more of a integrated chip design like TI or Merus. That is designed for 50k bandwith and 40 dB global feedback. That is designed to work with post filter feedback at HF
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    Why would anyone use an AB amp for a tweeter?

    Totally agree on this Using class A/B the bom can omit the output filter. That money can be used at the transistors and low distortion drivers + passive component instead. And it can be taylored for HF. Input cap can be small for instance Now the amp can have high rail voltage. And the power...
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    As of the non synced issue with seperate USB DAC and USB ADC for measuring. Hvere does the problem manifest itself? Do not REW compensate good enough? This is a measurement from another measuring site. (ADC so need to be isolated. That problem should go away with ADC-iso)...
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    I have the RME babyface first generation. This is aparently made to measure the bestregarding THD between -25 dBFS and -5sBFS for the DAC Right in the sweetspot where i have used it for years. I have used the nice big wheel as digital volume control all the years. Measured with ADC-iso
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    But for single tone measurements the THD issue is solved for those putting in the effort Guess a scarlett would be good enough for AD/DA part of setup
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    And by adjusting the DAC output a few DBs a low for each harmonic can be found and used for single freq harmonic measurement
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    One function on REW that is underrated is the stepped measurements. By looking at the harmonics and not the noise the sweetspot if the DAC measured can be found. Se a lot of dacs that has lowest distortion dBr long before 0dBFS The measurements takes hours though. 0.2 db increments and a lot of...
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    I both agree and disagree. The QA403 seems like a nobrainer if you spend large amount of time analysing analog cirquits and have 600$. But access to the state of the art ADC audio chip with MELF resistors on input and design that dont degrade the ADC spec for 179$ is not a bad deal either. It...
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    Thanks for shearing. Luckily the separate solution can be used for other general purpose audio if the thd is to high for the measured circuit. Then a 600$ box is well earned The sync issue is interesting The ADC-iso is sometimes sold as a unboxed card for 149$ Then a I2S header is exposed. So...
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    But I also see cirrus have a new preamp-adc chip that is maybe more difficult to mess up with lowcost analog components Hopefully it will find its way into som interface toghether with those lowcost superlow distortion dac headphone driver solutions out there.
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    They might even use a otg rpi with camilla dsp and UAC2 USB audio gadget linux setup so the PC dont need a setup for both cards, just the rpi usb in/out stream
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    Guess many will put those parts inside som old lab wreck and put some protection cirquitry around it
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    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (4th Gen) Interface Review

    More like 200$ for ADC and 50% to 150$ for DAC. My dac gives only a a few dB better signal and is overkill Two boxes, but tiny ones Three USB C cables is maybe the annoying part
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    E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review

    Tried also the flex asio driver with wasapi, But not friends with ADC-iso yet. Crash when start FFT. CAn turn on signal on REW . WDM is OK Using WASAPI exclusive with standard non ASIO windows driver. Working OK. So thats OK for me
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