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  1. Mean & Green

    Sibilance Distortion On 12” Singles Only

    I’m pleased my thread has helped you out. There is way too much misinformation out there regarding vinyl playback on audiophile forums with people talking about imaginary changes. I still stand by my original claim within this thread that changing my stylus is one of the single most effective...
  2. Mean & Green

    Does anyone else like FM?

    Does anyone else like FM? Simple answer from me is yes… This was a very cheap eBay purchase about 10 years ago. It’s about 40 years old and working very nicely. I don’t think it sounds better than internet radio on my network player, only the strongest of signals don’t hiss in stereo, but...
  3. Mean & Green

    Are there any headphones with a "normal" length cable?

    This is like asking ‘how long is a piece of string?’. Can you define ‘normal’?
  4. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    Pretty sure that’s what I said worded slightly differently.
  5. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    When describing the effects of synaesthesia to my wife for the first time, she thought it sounded pretty cool and said most people have to pay money and be intoxited in some form to have such an experience. I get it for free constantly :D
  6. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    Yeah sure it’s ok to ask, no problem at all. It’s more like a mental image, I mainly visualise spherical shapes and wavy lines in various colours. For me the most common colours are red, purple, blue, yellow, grey and white. It probably sounds very strange to someone who doesn’t experience it...
  7. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    The reason I asked is because your descriptions of tonal colours resonated with me. I do have synesthesia to the extent that when listening to music I perceive shapes and colours depending on the sound. Differences in perceived sound quality definitely affects the shapes and colours in my...
  8. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    Matt do you have synesthesia by any chance?
  9. Mean & Green

    how to eq harsh upper mid - high frequencies?

    I was having a similar problem recently which was mainly attributed to the Tannoy speakers I had, vocal vowel sounds such as ‘hey, you’ or ‘me’ along with saxophones and some guitars were like ice picks to the ears at times. Since swapping to some much more natural sounding KEFs I don’t have...
  10. Mean & Green

    What is timbre and can we measure it?

    I’m pretty sure if we made a recording of two or three different instruments playing the same note individually and looked at the waveforms of each one they’d be different. So yes timbre will be measurable. Other than variances in transducer accuracy, electronics should not be having any impact...
  11. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    It was a real eye opener for me. I was not expecting what I encountered at all.
  12. Mean & Green

    The most overrated and underrated audio products you tried/owned?

    For me it would be these. Overrated: Sennheiser headphones, I’ve owned 3 different pairs at different times and haven’t liked a single one of them. Linn LP 12, it’s got to be one of the most hyped up copies products of all time. Tannoy Reveloution XT-6F speakers, I’m still trying to sell my...
  13. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    By comparison to what the masses are doing regarding music listening, physical media users do make up a much smaller number. However in the UK where I live the numbers are still a significant number of people, over 17 million physical albums were sold across all formats in 2024. I can’t...
  14. Mean & Green

    noise from cd player connected to another amp, why?

    Again we still need some context. What are the components? Listing brand names doesn’t tell us what anythung is. Are they amps, CD players, DACs? What is connected to what? How they are stacked shouldn’t be relevant other than for ventilation depending what these components are. You need to...
  15. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    I sub to Amazon and Netflix for movies and shows, but I do often find they don’t have some classic and cult films that I want to watch and I end up buying DVDs/Blurays too. Good thing is used DVDs are almost disposable they are so cheap, just like CDs are.
  16. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    I’m an Oasis fan and I agree about the irony with the vinyl. It’s a shame I have to suffer the really bad mastering of their early albums in particular because I do want to listen to them on occasion. If only one of these audiophile record labels would do a remaster job on them. Although...
  17. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    My reason for collecting is I figured ‘why stop now?’ My collection is something I started building over 30 years ago. It has cost me money, but on the other hand it’s also paid for, why pay again for the same stuff? There are some sentimental attachments to some of my collection because they...
  18. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    Definitely some truth in that, there is also some truth that some like to push others buttons.
  19. Mean & Green

    Huge hole in upper bass response - Suggestions?

    I notice you have a door beside your listening position. Have you made comparisons between the door open and closed? I’d expect closed to be more likely to acheive what you want. Placing the speakers closer to the corners will definitely give a boost in the region you are looking for, I have...
  20. Mean & Green

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    I agree and getting it all just right on vinyl playback isn’t straight forward and brand new records are no guarantee of a good playback experience either, often can be the opposite. A lot of new vinyl that I buy is either because I can’t get specific versions of something any other way, or...
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