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    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    For small heads, look into something like the ZMF Crescent Snap Strap. Than should help. For the "thinner", look into EQung. I use the oratory1990 settings
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    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Using HD800s with ADI-2 Dac FS with Oratory1990 EQ. He also has one for it with the Dekoni earpads
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    RME ADI-2 FS Version 2 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

    Anyone use one of these with a DAP or phone as source or is using a PC better? I pan on using with an HD800s Any thoughts or insights?
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Sheesh dude..... I'm sorry my phone autocorrected some things or that I didn't type it correctly. Instead of "RME ADI FS DAC", I meant to type "ADI-2 DAC FS" Here's a link for reference: I hope this passes your scrutiny..... I'll go give myself 50 lashes for...
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Probably stupid question, How do you guys compare this combo to the RME ADI FS DAC if one can get it used for $700?
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Sounds like it would be more of a hassle that using software EQ like I do now. Thank you for the insight
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    So, here's what I really want; I switch between IEM and my HD800S alot. I use EQ for the HD800S, but not for the IEM. Currently, I have to unplug on, plug the other, open Peace, turn EQ on off. I wonder if I have I can have EQ saved on the 4.4 output, and not the 3.5. Alternatively, I'm OK with...
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    So, these are on sale on Apos and Shenzhenaudio this week ($365 USD for the dac/amp combo). What's the verdict? Should I get these, or is there anything better in the price range? Coming from DX3+ driving HD800s. Also, is there any difference in RCA vs balance interconnect? Which cables to get?
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    So, I'm currently using a DX3+ pro with a Sennheiser HD 800s with APO EQ. Would I notice any improvement in sound with replacing the DX3+ with a A50 III / D50 III?
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