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  1. Count Dacula

    DAC under 200€ for new newbies
  2. Count Dacula

    80's jewels

    I have a soft spot for Quincy Jones and Quest
  3. Count Dacula

    No pre out on AVR, can I use headphone socket to connect to power amp?

    Just use a cheap mini mixer from Beringher or Mackie
  4. Count Dacula

    Cheap DAC with good SINAD measurement.

    New cheap/good Why screw around with old junk?
  5. Count Dacula

    Burr-Brown based DAC measurements

    R2R ladder DACs are the new fad
  6. Count Dacula

    Fosi Audio DA2120C DAC Amp review

    Datasheet says up to 37v, which is the direction to go for more power. It takes voltage, not amperage to get the numbers up. TAS5352A data sheet, product information and support | TI’s TAS5352A is a 125-W stereo, 250-W mono, 0- to 37-V supply, PWM input Class-D audio amplifier. Find...
  7. Count Dacula

    Fosi Audio DA2120A - Worth ?

    Datasheet says up to 37v, which is the direction to go for more power. It takes voltage, not amperage to get the numbers up. I ordered one for my cuz, in an apartment. Coming up on 40, I don't think he has a system, although he likes music. With...
  8. Count Dacula

    "Testing" Qobuz vs Amazon Music HD vs Spotify Premium vs Youtube Music Premium vs Youtube video vs CD

    My favorite thing about CDs was using them to make "master" cassettes. Remember how bad prerecorded ones were, with rust for tape and recorded at 2x speed. I loaded up on chrome tapes burned a little hot. I actually regarded the finished output levels to be more important than the inputs. Thats'...
  9. Count Dacula

    Denon DA-500 Vintage R2R DAC Review

    I remember back inna day, Dennon was my least favourite sounding CD player. I had a Nakamichi MB1-s from the git-go, so it was tough to warm up to other players, although Sony was a sort of standard reference in the class. Def not Denon!
  10. Count Dacula

    Nord's new Value-Line Hypex NCore MP series

    Right, binding posts and casework....etc I got one of the first batch of VL 252 My SS amps all sit cold in a closet.
  11. Count Dacula

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    At 10x the cost, Macintosh is overpriced like you were saying, but wow....big $$$ for a SS amp. I did think it was tubed, and relied on part of an ASR chart. Thanks for clearing this up. Sorry about that. I guess the price and wattage is for two units..? NBD.
  12. Count Dacula

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Not to make a specific point, but people might like to hear Daft Punk's call to end the Loudness War
  13. Count Dacula

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    I could be wrong. This source has some interesting discussion. If someone wants to digest it, I'm still interested in the answer.,93998.0.html Also...
  14. Count Dacula

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    Vinyl has between 9 and 11.5 bit depth, last number I saw
  15. Count Dacula

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    Maybe North Korea can start a production line of SOTA tube amplifiers. Don't laugh, after seeing this I'm serious.
  16. Count Dacula

    Does anyone have a Williamson tube amplifier?

    But, what would be the cost differential? I looked at these two...10x cost in this instance.
  17. Count Dacula

    Yaqin MC-84L Tube Stereo Amplifier Review

    Products like this, and a few others, give audio x a bad name. It creates an aversion for regular Joe to participate in the sport. You know how we all mostly fret over audio purchases? Well regular people fret over bathroom mats and paper towel holders, so when it's time to purchase a thing to...
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