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  1. J

    Monitor Audio Silver 100 7g crossover upgrade

    Using a umik and rew the -3 db point for the 100 7g was around 45hz in my room. The 35hz at -6db is aspirational but perhaps in some rooms. They are really nice bass wise for bookshelf/stand mounts however if your expecting truly full range get ready to buy a sub!
  2. J

    Monitor Audio Silver 100 7g crossover upgrade

    Id suggest that if your happy with them as they are why not leave it alone! They are great as is. What I did to mine was more a case of fortunately sourcing the speakers nearly new at a 60% discount of rrp in the UK and thinking why not have a nice soldering project while adding closer tolerance...
  3. J

    Monitor Audio Silver 100 7g crossover upgrade

    Beat you to it! I've had mine upgraded for a while now. Was it worth it. Yes. But I reckon if I were to do it again I'd replace the laminated inductors with air core also and perhaps use a single higher quality capacitors rather than bypassing with the miflex. Bit of a faff. The upgraded parts...
  4. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Yes each individuals mileage may vary. For example I preferred the v3 to the nva class ab amp I had. So much so I sold the nva to now have the v3 with opa1622 op amps as my main amp. The harmonics with some class ab give the impression of a fuller lusher sound but that is the distortion that's...
  5. J

    Which TPA3255 amp do you recommend?

    The amp board I used is infact still available. It is however just a power amp with set gain.
  6. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Agreed nothing wrong with the 2604. I'd say they would do really well in a subwoofer application. Very punchy and dynamic bass. Playing to the strengths of the part! And yes good comment on the 1622 pins. I accidentally ordered one set with really thick pins. Had to learn that lesson the hard way!
  7. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    I run mine at 40v with the volume knob at 3 o'clock inline with the volume imprint. I feed it with a topping e50 in preamp mode and control volume with remote. my speakers are ma silver 100 7g. There really is plenty of power on tap with this amp. Don't be afraid to turn that volume up guys and...
  8. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    I've had good luck with this seller. All chips I ha e bought have sounded how they have been described to sound by forum members. This isn't to say they are all genuine parts for sure just that I personally believe them to be. Link
  9. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    You should give the opa1622 a crack! Really pleased with the micro detail and soundstage layering. To the point that I'm hearing backing vocal artists becoming more discernable in the mix. Also the breath and decay or artists voices has become more apparent. I previously had opa 2604s in and...
  10. J

    Which TPA3255 amp do you recommend?

    Ali Express is were you need to look!
  11. J

    Which TPA3255 amp do you recommend?

    Hey quick question could anyone tell me what the input impedance of the fosi v3 amplifier amp is? Thanks
  12. J

    Fosi Audio V3 amplifier discussion

    Could anyone tell me what the rca input impedance of the v3 is? I'd greatly appreciate an answer if anyone has already tested of got information from fosi! Thanks!
  13. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Hey quick question could anyone tell me what the input impedance of this fosi v3 amp is?
  14. J

    Which TPA3255 amp do you recommend?

    Thought I'd add a couple pics of my first amp project I ever did. It's abit rough around the edges but works well. Its a tpa3251 based board that's powered by a separate LLC PSU. The power Input and speaker outputs are xt60 connectors. Yes strange choice I know but was all abit of an experiment...
  15. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    I just the other day did some a b testing using RCA splitter running USB to d10 that then ran optical to e50. I fitted the topping d10 with opa 1612 op amp and the topping e50 which comes stock with the 1612 and to my ears at least the sound was largely the same. The only difference I did...
  16. J

    Which TPA3255 amp do you recommend?

    This sums up amp differences nicely. Yes you may find one tpa based amp that has great snr like the pa5 or newly released pa5 11 series for example but you may find it doesn't have the same presence as a other tpa based amp which on paper has worse measurements. In my view the reason for this...
  17. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    Has anyone thought about using the v3 to power two subs? One for each channel using separate lpf, phase and volume control on both. Seems like it would be enough power And the amp is certainly cleaner that a cheap plate amp option. I may try this in the near future if anyone can point me the...
  18. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    I based the 43v from a post by a phillipino guy who tested quite a few tpa3255 amps and came to the conclusion that 43v was about optimal. Can't find the post now unfortunately. I did try 45v and it about as hot as 48v. The change in volume output at all voltages tested seemed rather...
  19. J

    Fosi Audio V3 amplifier discussion

    Thought I'd add a little post with my findings. No measurements etc on my behalf just experience with the device so far and my two ears. I have my v3 hooked up with a meanwell drp 480-48 10a running at 43v. This is to keep the amp cooler as at 48v it got noticably warmer. The audio chain is the...
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