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  1. E

    analog vs digital recording

    I was just joking that there'd even be much of a chance that a thread here would get as off topic and angry as one on GS... But of course there are many ways to have commitment and focus and even dedicate yourself to similar options that you do in analog recording. Glad he found a fun thing to...
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    analog vs digital recording

    Oh no, you restarted the doomed thread from GS that ultimately imploded after 1294 posts and was shutdown by the mods. :p
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    Roon samplerate conversion filters minimum phase or linear phase

    Yes, because the sampling theorem doesn't address filtering, per se. The sampling theorem basically defines sampling, and describes the results. The sampling theorem describes what happens when we convert a continuous signal to discrete time using a fixed sample period. A result of the analysis...
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    Roon samplerate conversion filters minimum phase or linear phase

    I don't do Roon, but in general this is more of an audiophile preoccupation. In general the recording and mastering process don't get involved in those details, but for some reason some listeners have great concerns over it. In theory, you'd want playback to have linear phase. And even though...
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    AI and Future of Music Production

    This music video too, and they didn't use AI!!! :p
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    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    I have the blue Zeros, and they are loud enough for me, but I happened to pick up a set of Audiovance "Vibes 202 Wired Earbuds" (Amazon, $29-$32 right now, depending on color). They sound quite good and are significantly louder than the Zeros. My iPhone drives my Zeros as loud as I'd want to...
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    Digital volume control vs analog volume control

    One drawback: 5x is +14 dB. Amps typically work at full amplification, so you're going to get that much extra boost to whatever noise floor you can't turn down going in. Exactly what that is dependent on what it's connected to. I'm not saying this is paramount, assuming the pre-electronics is...
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    Digital volume control vs analog volume control

    Well, if it's true it's a useless truth... Ideally you'd want a power amp that is just powerful enough to drive your speakers to as loud as you'd want to hear them, including enough headroom to not degrade the sound. It doesn't matter whether you use analog attenuation or digital. Assuming...
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    AI generated music

    Counterpoint to that: I do not find that problem (lack of variation, unifortmity) with AI-generated music. It doesn't learn music theory, recording best practices, then Bob Dylan and produce a sterile Bob Dylan clone. It just learns the waveforms and the frequency and time components. Teach it...
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    AKG K371 Review (closed back headphone)

    The left side of my K371-BT snapped while putting them on, earlier this year (also after two years). But right then I realized the right side was already snapped, I hadn't noticed it, apparently. I can still use them, but they are loose. I've had Sonys for decades (MDR-7520 is my daily for...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Two points: If the producer of the music wanted it to sound that way, they could have employed tube processing to make it sound that way (and they do, of course). But if you like changing the music to the way you want to hear it, there is nothing wrong with that. Tube amps and devices have...
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    DC power vs AC power

    OK. But I don't think I as being "too pedantic" at all. We are talking about grounding and you gave a specific example—and you (ground) fault me for taking it literally? Was I supposed to take it figuratively? (No, I didn't take it literally that you would take it in a shower, but that's not the...
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    DC power vs AC power dryers have no ground pin because the case is plastic. Hair dryers in the US typically have a ground fault device for a plug, two-prong. You get the same functionality with a ground fault receptacle, but including on the dryer ensures you'll have ground fault protection even in old...
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    DC power vs AC power

    No difference, you can have ground loops through either. Basically, the ground pin is to tie a metal case to ground. Imagine if a power wire comes loose inside the case, and rests against the case. Touching it might kill you, if it's not grounded. With a ground, most of the current will travel...
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    Ren - Hi Ren (Music)

    I know he says it is, but it's not a single take. Also, while the synchronization is practically perfect, I doubt very much that the audio recording was done during this performance. First, it's not the lapel mic. He faces away from it, he drops his head down to it, it gets covered and...
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    AI generated music

    :) Yes. But while you pay the monthly fee to suno, they do "give" you ownership. To the generated music, and the song itself (if you want to have a band play the composition, or borrow from it, whatever. You just have to be a paying customer when you generate it, then you own it. (Baring the...
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    AI and Future of Music Production

    OK...I'm a songwriter and I can play keyboards well and several other instruments slightly (especially drums and guitar) be brief, I don't need AI, nor do I want something to generate music or lyrics or vocals for me. I'm not look to write the next hit, I only care about the journey of...
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    AI and Future of Music Production

  19. E

    Solid upgrade from Motu M2?

    Well, I'm not up on the current chips and specs, I'll just give you a general idea of what I mean. It's not so hard to give 70 dB gain, but it's hard to give 70 dB of clean gain. 70 dB is a factor of 3162 times the input level. 50 dB is a factor of 316. The noise floor of electronics depends...
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    Solid upgrade from Motu M2?

    Probably the same gain, I don't see it called out on their specs. The chip-based pres are mostly going to be a little light on gain without the cloudlifter. In a nut shell, if an interface isn't boasting 60-70 dB gain on their mic pres, they probably don't have 60-70. I think an Apollo has about...
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