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  1. E

    Recomendation for AV amp, im lost. help

    Wasn’t going to say anything but yeah, a lot of these suggestions aren’t making sense to me. The primary aim here seems to be simplicity, which is why I suggested stereo receivers with phono inputs and HDMI — and yes, the TV remote will adjust volume, so no need to rule them out. There are also...
  2. E

    Recomendation for AV amp, im lost. help

    There are stereo receivers with HDMI and phono input available for under $1000. Note I haven’t used or heard any of these, but look at: Denon CEOL RCD-N12 (also includes CD player) Denon DRA-900H Onkyo TX-8470
  3. E

    Yamaha A-S2200 Line 2

    Yes, as staticV3 has already indicated — but be sure to use an amplifier with volume control, as the Line 2 output is at a fixed level.
  4. E

    Wiim Changelog and Roadmap

    The lossless issue mentioned by Burnside isn’t as much of a concern for me; rather there’s just so much more versatility and convenience when the stream isn’t reliant on an intermediary device, especially in a family environment. Just a few things we do regularly with Sonos that couldn’t be done...
  5. E

    Wiim Changelog and Roadmap

    And as noted above doesn’t support Apple Music natively at all, lossless or otherwise. That’s one of the primary reasons I’ve stuck with Sonos despite the cost and recent app issues.
  6. E

    Yamaha A-S701 Stereo Amplifier Review

    It does have a sub out as noted above — but aren’t you missing out on the Ultra’s ability to high pass the signal to your mains by not using the Wiim’s sub output?
  7. E

    Yamaha A-S701 Stereo Amplifier Review

    It does have a subwoofer output. I wasn’t familiar with that receiver until I read about it in this thread, but I picked one up a few months ago after seeing the comments on it here and discovering that it has not only pre-outs / main-ins, but also tape monitoring capability and switchable zone...
  8. E

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Auto sensing has been working perfectly on both of mine; been using them since Kickstarter delivery. (Also have had no noise or other issues running both from a single 10A power supply with filter, though it seems this is generally not recommended.)
  9. E

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    This report is from 2022; page 22 (page 17 of the PDF) has the top reasons people gave for buying vinyl. They only print the top six answers and sound quality didn’t make the cut. There was another...
  10. E

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    Indeed they have. Going by actual units sold, in the U.S. there were 49,000 in 2012, and from then increased steadily to 82,000 in 2021 (the last year for which I’m finding stats right now). While replacement of worn out turntables surely accounts for some of these sales, I’d have a hard time...
  11. E

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    In that case perhaps a better question would’ve been whether the placement of the RCA inputs is somewhat odd? Not a big deal of course, and certainly wouldn’t prevent me from buying one, just have never come across an arrangement quite like that.
  12. E

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    I’ll put the same question to you: if it’s merely a continuation, what’s the explanation for the steadily rising rate of new turntable sales over the past 10 years? Shouldn’t it have remained flat?
  13. E

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    I believe you’re both wrong. If this were the case, then one would expect new turntable sales and used vinyl sales to have been essentially flat, since there has never been a shortage of either on the market. Yet — in the U.S. anyway — both have been increasing steadily over the past 10 years...
  14. E

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Looks like a nice little unit, especially given the price, but does anyone else find the placement of the grounding post somewhat odd?
  15. E

    a newbie's request about a new system

    Don’t feel bad about wanting the Yamaha. Their amps and receivers are beautifully designed, and having a piece of equipment that looks great in your living room and feels great when you adjust a knob or dial impacts the listening experience even if it doesn’t impact the sound. I have a few...
  16. E

    WiiM Ultra

    It has been, in a sense — this is essentially what the Sonos Amp does, paired with either a second Sonos Amp or two wireless Sonos speakers for the rear surrounds — for several hundred $ more than Wiim of course. (Or did you mean why hasn’t it been done by Wiim themselves already?)
  17. E

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I don’t think that’s it. I’m running both of mine through the single 10A supply and filter and have never gotten a pop or any other audible noise from the speakers when they switch on — and I do hear the relay clicks slightly out of sync.
  18. E

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    That seems like quite a leap — I don’t think you can assume that at all.
  19. E

    Recommendations for a stereo speaker

    Gotcha. I guess I’m fortunate in that I haven’t run into those issues myself. I have a mix of Ones / Play:1s / Symfonisks / Amps / Connects throughout the house and have never had a sync issue. I actually held off on updating to the new app until just last week because of all the problem reports...
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