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  1. M

    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    I know it's been a while, but could you provide us with an update on whether 4k with VRR actually works in-game?
  2. M

    Dali speakers

    Going by pictures of the back of the amplifier, they indeed have the red/positive connections on the inside and black/negative on the outside. This seems a bit unusual, but doesn't matter much (it's most likely for esthetic reasons, to achieve symmetry). Connect left speaker positive (red)out to...
  3. M

    Dali speakers

    Like said by someone else, it doesn't matter much as long as the left and right connections are done the same way. However, if you want do to it technically correct, it's best to look at which terminal is the positive one (marked "+") and which one is the negative one (marked "-"). Connect...
  4. M

    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Great, thanks in advance! Fingers crossed it works...
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    I have the AKM X4700H. So you're saying that, even with the latest updates and using the adapter, it still won't work reliably? That's a bummer... Can anyone actually using an AKM x700H confirm? I'm primarily interested in 4K/60 + VRR + HDR.
  6. M

    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Can anyone confirm whether the adapter with the latest firmware updates finally fixed 4K + VRR? I've seen many reports of people still having issues when connecting for example an Xbox and outputting combinations of 4K, VRR and/or HDR after the adapter was released. I'm wondering whether this is...
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    Excluding a speaker from Audyssey Correction

    Is 80Hz the selected crossover frequency? If so, it makes sense, because no corrections above the crossover frequency would result in no corrections at all.
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    Dali speakers

    It's usually the lowest frequencies that have the highest distortion. This Dutch review has full bandwidth distortion measurements. Use Google translate if you don't speak Dutch (like 99.9% of the world). The measured maximum distortions are 5 to 10 dB lower than the other tested speakers: ATC...
  9. M

    Dali speakers

    I've also added a Stereophile review with measurements of the Rubicon 8.
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    Dali speakers

    See test (German) of the Rubicon 2. Look for 'Klirrfaktor' (distortion level). It's measured at 0.3% @ 63 Hz, which is an excellent result. i-Fidelity has also done measurements of several Dali speakers with SMC, but focus on impedance, frequency response and cumulative spectral decay...
  11. M

    New Denon 3700/4700 DAC chip

    Thanks for checking! However, the 5100 is a 2 channel DAC, so probably used for zones 2 and 3. The 5358 is an ADC. The main zone DAC('s) must be hidden somewhere else.
  12. M

    New Denon 3700/4700 DAC chip

    Any updated info yet?
  13. M

    Denon "Fixes" HDMI 2.1 Issue

    Does anybody know what the adapter actually does? What is the output mode when inputting a mode that results in error without the adapter?
  14. M

    Choosing between the Denon X8500H, X6700H, X4700H and X3700H (Updated)

    Manually adjust the crossover in the Audyssey app and see which sound you like best? You can store multiple profiles and send them to two different presets in your receiver. Switching for comparison is then made easy.
  15. M

    Dali Spektor 1 Review (Bookshelf Speaker)

    If you want speakers made in Denmark, then Opticon and up are the way to go. And to be fair, the higher ranges have nearly all components (including cabinet and drivers) designed, made and assembled in-house in Denmark. Unfortunately, it's unrealistic nowadays to expect that at the Spektor...
  16. M

    Dali Spektor 1 Review (Bookshelf Speaker)

    On the other hand, speakers that are only neutral when completely on-axis will have undesirable results when in a standard listening situation (in the middle of a square or even totally off axis when with guests). You can't don't want to always toe in your speakers to your exact listening position.
  17. M

    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Settings might be different from the Onkyo, especially bass gain or crossover frequency. If the settings are the same, I'd surprise me if the power supply is the culprit. The Onkyo is slightly less powerful, so should have had the same problems then. TX-NR636 (successor to 616) measurements...
  18. M

    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Unfortunately, HEOS development seems to have stalled somewhat. Still waiting for proper Google Assistant support...
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    Denon AVR-X8500H AVR Review

    I'll relieve you of your disastrous purchase and pay you five hundred bucks in addition. Do we have a deal?
  20. M

    Loudness compensation

    You have limited influence on the level of adjustment via the reference level parameter. The higher the number (which is actually a negative so somewhat confusing for some), the weaker the effect. Do note that running the actual volume above the reference volume means that DEQ will actually...
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