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  1. E

    Review and Measurements of Massdrop THX AAA 789 Amp

    Use your source with two amps. It's essentially what the "SE PASS" in the Massdrop THX AAA 789 Amp is doing, it's just a built-in splitter to daisy chain amps.
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    Review and Measurements of Massdrop THX AAA 789 Amp

    You can use splitter cables and have the same result.
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    Review and Measurements of Massdrop THX AAA 789 Amp

    If you are still under 1 year of ownership, contact drop and ask for a replacement.
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    May I ask you, which part of my post is inaccurate? I can break it down for you: "at the end CEntrance just acknowledged Amir's measurements were correct, that their measurements were measuring a different thing" for days (maybe weeks) you claimed that Amir's measurements didn't match your...
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    I believe at the end CEntrance just acknowledged Amir's measurements were correct, that their measurements were measuring a different thing, that the bad measurements were the result of the volume control and that for a portable product it was good enough for them.
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    Abyss Diana V2 Review (headphone)

    It’s on the sponsors section.
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    Abyss Diana V2 Review (headphone)

    Maybe they'll just halt like Centrance and at the end just say: "you don't understand my product".
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    Review and Measurements of New JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amp

    If it’s still under warranty just ask for a new transformer. They might not even be aware of the issue. If enough people RMA then they would need to find a better one. Considering that they are in the US they might not have long term experience with the European transformer.
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    You said your measurements showed better distortion, noise and power.
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    @radioman, are you going to share CEntrance’s measurements or just the document?
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    @radioman, when can we expect CEntrance’s measurements?
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    So... no changes are expected on SINAD nor power, right?
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    Can you publish your measurements in here or in your site?
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    CEntrance Hifi-M8 V2 Review (DAC and headphone amplifier)

    According to them the first units are being extensively tested before shipping. They had an issue with the first batch of boards, and they say they picked the good ones, fixed some others and tested them to ensure they work fine.
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    SMSL SP200: Do We Get Golden Samples For Review?

    Most likely your computer USB port has a lot of noise. You can try with one of those USB purifiers or try another port.
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    SMSL SP200: Do We Get Golden Samples For Review?

    In a logarithmic pot there's little change in the high attenuation region, at least less than in a linear pot. Also most logarithmic potentiometers are not truly logarithmic, they just use two different linear tapers, one for the first portion where they want little delta and other for the...
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    SMSL SP200: Do We Get Golden Samples For Review?

    It's true that all pots have that issue, but using a B-type potentiometer just makes things worse. See this example: Imagine the red part is your desired volume, with a B-type pot you need to turn the pot just a little bit and that makes it most likely to hit the imbalance of the pot. If...
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    SMSL SP200: Do We Get Golden Samples For Review?

    It will happen with high sensitivity headphones/iems. iems are usually way more sensitive than full size headphones.
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    Volume level

    I don't see any issue with that. It's a matter of impedance and efficiency.
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    SMSL SP200: Do We Get Golden Samples For Review?

    That was to be expected, but I think a lot of people just listinten too loud or have not so efficient headphones that don't care about the channel imbalance.
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