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    Like Blondes?

    I am not sure what is going on. PE doesn't have the Fountek ribbons anymore, but list the remarkably similar GRS.
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    Like Blondes?

    Is that the Fountek ribbon or GRS?
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    Yamaha NS1000 help and advice
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    New Mesanovic CDM65 monitors

    Excellent job. I know they aren't out yet, but it is always interesting to see new speakers with great measurements. Were the new Epique drivers considered?
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    Ascend Acoustics Announces New Klippel NFS-Optimized Sierra Towers and Horizon Center

    It should be remembered that Amir had the issue with measuring a set of speakers a couple of years ago that differed from the manufacturer. It ended up being the environment was to cold.
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    Ascend Acoustics Announces New Klippel NFS-Optimized Sierra Towers and Horizon Center

    They are coming out with a new HT tower. Search on Dennis's posts and you will find info about it.
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    Ascend Acoustics Announces New Klippel NFS-Optimized Sierra Towers and Horizon Center

    I am curious why Ascend went with the 6" driver instead of a smaller driver for the midrange. Seas has smaller drivers in that lineup. I am not criticizing the decision. Just curious. My old PSB Stratus Golds used a 6" for a mid.
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    New Towers-BMR Philharmonic, Revel F208, or other?

    I wonder if the new GMS ribbons might have been an alternative. Not sure if there are any differences between them and the old Founteks.
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    New Towers-BMR Philharmonic, Revel F208, or other?

    Dennis, Did Tectonic improve this new BMR? It is a lot more expensive, so I hope they did something to justify it.
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    Steinway Lyngdorf MODEL D

    Someone seriously reported that post?
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    New Towers-BMR Philharmonic, Revel F208, or other?

    He works for the You could also put in a call to Amir's company Madrona.
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    Steinway Lyngdorf MODEL D

    Maybe, but how many rich people really care that much about audio to research and spend lots of money on audio equipment? The fact is some people like nice looking products that have an excellent fit and finish. I have seen SL products and they look nice. Are they worth the money? That is a...
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    Steinway Lyngdorf MODEL D

    That doesn't really clarify the relationship. IIRC at Cedia a couple of years ago, they said it was Lyngdorf using the Steinway name.
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    Steinway Lyngdorf MODEL D

    Isn't Steinway the piano maker different from Lyngdorf?
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    Most important metrics for home theatre

    No I mean a speaker that has wide dispersion like Philhamonic BMR vs something narrow like a horn.
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    Most important metrics for home theatre

    I am not sure if it has been answered or not. I would think a narrower directivity as opposed to an ultra wide would be better.
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    Line Array Speakers : Modular, Expandable, Out-of-the-Box Design for in-home use

    I won't quote the posts, but I had to respond to LA skepticism in home environments. I see Wesayso has already posted. For the person who mentioned Linkwitz, @fluid chose a LA over his Linkwitz speakers. From what I have seen, heard and read, the best LAs are floor to ceiling (or close to it)...
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    2022 Parts Express [Speaker Design Competition] - Over $300 Category

    Wolf, Did you get a chance to see the new GRS ribbon tweeters? Yes, but in the video with Erin IIRC he said something different.
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    2022 Parts Express [Speaker Design Competition] - Over $300 Category

    I believe Toole has said there is no definitive answer on wide vs narrow dispersion. It has been discussed but never really delved into as far as I have seen. I know Dennis Murphy has talked about it and his preference. Before Erin, I think this was the most I had seen people really look at it...
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