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  1. M

    Drop THX-789 Volume pot replacement?

    For now I opened the chassis and used compressed air and then put a LOT of contact cleaner on the pot itself and through the knob from the front panel side. It's clean and quiet as on the first day!
  2. M

    Drop THX-789 Volume pot replacement?

    did you have to break the knob to be able to remove it and open the box?
  3. M

    Drop THX-789 Volume pot replacement?

    Bringing back this thread from the dead... I wonder if anybody ever successfully found a replacement or solution for this? I've had the crackling problem for a while now. My workaround is to typically just spend a few seconds turning back and forth the knob to "clean it" until it somewhat stops...
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    Living With Linkwitz

    How much space you have behind the couch?
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    Living With Linkwitz

    thanks! I've browsed a bit the thread at oplug, and see a lot of solutions. The delay problem is a good point. It seems a 4x10HD is going to be required in any case.
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    Living With Linkwitz

    I've been contemplating building a LXmini setup for a while, not making up my mind if I want to add one or two subwoofers or not at some point. I keep using this excuse to procrastinate and postpone buying the kit... I have what may sound like a dummy question and a no-no approach to more...
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    Living With Linkwitz

    what did you use to strap the cones. Is it just the regular stuff but painted black?
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    adding VU-meters in the audio chain?

    How do you get the sound into the iPad? What's the stereo input?
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    Ideas for in-wall cabling

    conduit with pre-run fish tape is a great idea. bonus question: If I run HDMI fiber optics, do I need special outlet plates? Are HDMI optics working only with specific device that would power them?
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    Ideas for in-wall cabling

    Hello there. I have my wall opened currently to run some cat6 cables. in my living room, I am planning on running 2 HDMI fiber cables from one side of the room to the other to carry signals to a projector or another integrated amp. 2 Cat6, 2 HDMI, what else would be useful to have? juste a few...
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    Burning Amp 2019, San Francisco

    Anyone here going to Burning Amp in San Francisco this week end? Could be nice to put a face on some of the nicknames here
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    adding VU-meters in the audio chain?

    I think one day I’ll cave in, spend the money and get the RME. It seems to be a nice piece of equipment from many angles.
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    Canjam SoCal Headphone and Audio Show 2019 Part 2

    It was also my first CanJam this year. I believe you can get a good sense of the overall performance of the gear, especially the headphones themselves. For amps and DAC it may be much harder. I tried many headphones in one day. It allowed me to make my own rough opinion on some of the models I...
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    Canjam SoCal Headphone and Audio Show 2019 Part 2

    Can't wait for your review of this. I almost bought the Audeze equivalent solution before... Would be interested to see how it integrates with system using the Ambisonic format, and how much power is required on the host.
  15. M

    Review and Measurements of Okto DAC8 8Ch DAC & Amp

    Would the 8 channel version play the 6 channel tracks of a SACD iso?
  16. M

    Any solution to avoid PC interferance?

    I had a lot of USB noise from my Mac mini 2012. And maybe also EMI noise, and ground issues from the outlets in the house. The tube amp was picking but vibrations of my 4-drive NAS My Oppo portable amp was a pass through of the usb noise. It was a nightmare I did many things to try to fix: -...
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    Canjam SoCal Headphone and Audio Show 2019

    Thanks for your notes And you successfully avoided taking pictures of me. So I hope I was not one of those holding the seats too long. Always tried to check behind my back once in while to see if there was a line. Surprisingly there was only a few times that somebody behind me was waiting. I’d...
  18. M

    Should Amir go to Canjam in Southern California?

    And can you bring your STAX with the energizer in your backpack? They are not at the show... :)
  19. M

    Should Amir go to Canjam in Southern California?

    Would be fun to meet face to face the one I would blame if my wife was asking for buying in the last 6 months an SMSL DAC, an Atom and a THX.
  20. M

    Review and Measurements of New JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amp

    May be difficult to compare if you use the volume in Windows as a reference. On my Atom, sending bit perfect 100% volume from the player to the DAC, 100% volume on the DAC (a smsl su8), listening on a Audeze LCD-XC (~30ohms planar). Most of the time it’s between 10 and 11 o’clock for jazz...
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