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  1. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    I don’t see any issue in this particular thread; the very opposite, as the discussion unfolds. And I agree the advice linked would be the ideal way to go. Honestly, it‘s probably how most ppl approach the forum. For those that don’t, just ignore what bothers you. Literally a click of the...
  2. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    As someone who has been a founding member of a few forums (different subject matters than this one), I will just say the forum will change as it grows; that is inevitable and is absolutely a good thing. What is not required to change are the values held by members. And I would think the core...
  3. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Again, anyone “weary and exasperated” needs to simply not respond. Why do members of this board feel they are entitled to treat others in this manner, which you may not perceive as disrespectful and uninviting but quite many clearly do? Why is a new member asking an innocuous question or...
  4. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Then stay out of the threads with new members. Seriously, >90% of the issues I and others witness on this board would be solved immediately if people who cannot exercise patience would simply not get involved.
  5. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    I agree, but many people simply coming to an audio hobbyist forum to discuss with others may not expect to be hammered by demands they set up a test lab in their living room. If they balk at that, the floodgates open on here and it certainly doesn’t appear entirely good-natured. It doesn’t seem...
  6. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Thanks for a well reasoned response. Just coming back to this as life has been busy. Here’s my main issue, and I’m not talking about a DAC “sound signature” here, I’m speaking generally... In my opinion, there is a pretty strong bias on this particular forum to simply *reject* opinions that...
  7. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    For a very few “golden ears” posters perhaps. The vast majority of posts are “harman curve” this and “SINAD” that, purporting some derivative silver bullet that supplants personal preference as if it’s a zero-sum game. Telling people “your ears deceive you- you shouldn’t actually like product X...
  8. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    No, 99.99% of posters on this site do not “listen first and then measure.” That’s yet another asinine claim if you give it just a tiny shred of thought.
  9. B

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    And almost to the minute, someone posts something asinine on a ”science” forum implying: (1) we know and can measure all there is about sound and human hearing (2) if experiential data doesn’t exactly mirror a handful of measurements (many generalized and all limited) then the experiential data...
  10. B

    Which order to apply room correction tools?

    im not going to argue with you, just trying to stop someone from misleading others.
  11. B

    Which order to apply room correction tools?

    TIL DSP is more effective at removing room reflections than acoustic treatments. anyways, I’d just suggest approaching this subject without dogmatism- you might learn something ;)
  12. B

    Which order to apply room correction tools?

    It’s been said multiple times in this very thread so didn’t think I needed to. Proper speaker placement and room treatments are both more important than DSP.
  13. B

    Topping D90 Balanced USB DAC Review

    sure, but John didn’t make the assertion. I’ve A/B’d using a quality resistor-based pre and the D90 digital volume control, and I can’t hear any difference whatsoever.
  14. B

    Topping D90 Balanced USB DAC Review

    interesting, thanks for the reply. i‘d be curious to understand the real world / observable differences. I can only offer my own experience, using a Gustard P26 pre amp, and I couldnt hear any differences using the P26 + D90 v D90 alone (using the built in volume control). I no longer own...
  15. B

    Topping D90 Balanced USB DAC Review

    Maybe I should just let this be, but what exactly do you think you will lose using the D90 volume control? Seems like a strange assertion
  16. B

    Surge protector recommendations?

    this is what I do. count me in the category of people not trying to stop a direct lightning strike.... my audio gear is pretty far down the list of concerns should that happen :rolleyes:
  17. B

    Surge protector recommendations?

    i‘m not sure why we‘re judging plug-in surge protectors based on lightning strikes or massive power surges. The competent ones I’ve seen have a rating, usually in joules. Anything above that, yea, probably not going to help. This doesn’t imply these devices are snake oil, the opposite in fact.
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