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  1. E

    Personalized HRTF and equalization using in-ear microphone

    Is there any reason to use in ear microphones to correct speakers as well? I guess not right because most music is already mastered on 'flat' speakers. So we want our speakers to match the studio monitor response right?
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    If I could treat the room the way I actually wanted I probably woudn't use horns. I'd use a dome midrange with the highest possible dispersion. The problem is for that I would need a dedicated room which I don't have.
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    IO DESIGN NAKED RS Loudspeakers

    These type of open baffle driver layouts never seem to integrate correctly. Im not sure its possible from a physics standpoint. The off axis response will be probably be a mess where the driver cancellations occer from the back wave. $120k.......ha! I would be a lot more charitable if it...
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    KEF Reference 5

    Indeed, if you're willing to do a little remodelling its silly the sound quality you could get with even some cheap drivers mounted into the walls with big ol' waveguides :) About $2k could get you something really special I reckon. And a bunch of drywall dust. But then you can pocket the...
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    Now look at the horrible in room response (orange trace). Alot of that hash is in the critical 1 khz to 3 khz range. This is why big waveguides sound so good. They smooth alot of that out at the listening position.
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    Here is a design Im working on.. decent directivity and off axis response.
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    Basically just removes alot of the hiss and other yuckies out of the signal from some noisy amps. Reducing the volume via L-Pad and then increasing the signal increases the signal relative to the noise floor. Im getting out of my depth here, but I have employed this many times and heard the...
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    Yes I used to be annoyed by this added hiss and noise and then I discovered L-Pads! There is an additional bonus as well. You get to increase the signal to noise ratio of your system due to the fact that horns are (usually) much more efficient than you really need for a domestic setting. So...
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    The reverse is true for me now . When I listen to most non waveguided speakers they always sound like a speaker to me. This is because I'm hearing so many of the room reflections corrupting the signal. You're hearing the ambience of the room in the recording and then hearing your room...
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    Horn Speakers - Is it me or.......

    Tried many drivers/speaker combinations. Keep coming back to horns. Its not just the dynamics either. I have yet to hear a non-waveguided design that has the coherence of a good horn/waveguide. They can sound incredibly real and to me thats the most important attribute of a speaker design...
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    Topping DM7 8-Channel DAC Review

    Just got mine in the mail, will give impressions once Ive had a chance to try it. Bought to do active 4 ways for speaker design. Ive previously used receivers on the 7.1 channel outs along with Equalizer APO and have had success but finding the right receiver is a hassle and using it without...
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    Sound Quality, what really matters.

    Yeah its unfortunate. The laws of physics dont negotiate. I've found there are ways to minimize room interactions however. One of the simplest solutions is to get the drivers much closer to your eardrums and away from the walls. In this case I've actually found that you want much lower...
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    Sound Quality, what really matters.

    H Haha, yeah for the longest time I wasnt able to post for some reason. Probably for the best lol
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    Sound Quality, what really matters.

    So I've been dingling around with speakers for around 15 years now. I've built and my own and played around with many configurations of drivers. One of the best things I did was get a DEQX and try out many different configurations on an active setup, this taught me ALOT about the differences...
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