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  1. M

    Benchmark ABH2 Replacement

    Two things are possible. 1) The amps may indeed sound different for some reason. Linear distortion such as frequency response differences due to output impedance, amp bandwidth, etc. Nonlinear distortion for some reason. Benchmark unit is not performing up to spec possibly. Who knows. 2)...
  2. M

    When wire DOES make a difference

    Maybe the 30 year old speaker cable was oxidizing, raising it's resistance. Still, for me the WOW would be the frequency response no longer affected by the series resistance, rather than raw SPL difference.
  3. M

    What is the deal with expensive HiFi racks?

    I imagine the sales volume is very low on most of them, so you're paying more overhead costs. The only criteria I have is if the rack allows air flow, the rack won't crumble with my ridiculously overkill AB amp, and doesn't look terrible. But I agree, the prices are crazy at audiophool sales...
  4. M

    Mofi StudioPhono Stage Review

    @board I measured my Studiophono a few years back and got the same result as Amir. I have a link to my measurements on page 2 of this thread. Not sure about your question, but to start, you can rule out the ADC by recording a tone sweep and verifying flat response.
  5. M

    What pets have you had? Post pics of your pets, previous or now. Why do I love my pet so much?

    Current pup, adopted from my parents when my father got sick, and later passed, unfortunately. She's a great friend.
  6. M

    LYNEPAUDIO B049 Audio Switcher Review

    This needs a smashed panther, headless is far too positive.
  7. M

    New phono cart needed

    Who knows, maybe my 95ML unit cuts off slightly lower than yours. There is definitely unit to unit variation in these mechanical things. It's also really subjective and I got my 95ML after I already had the Ortofon, so I was used to the flatter/extended treble.
  8. M

    Why Do You Own Benchmark Products?

    Yea I have three DAC1 variants and all still work perfectly. I'm a audio hoarder so 2 of the 3 are collecting dust. Their DACs make little sense anymore with the SOTA stuff available for $200.
  9. M

    New phono cart needed

    51, so not young by any stretch. I could hear above 15KHz last time I checked.
  10. M

    New phono cart needed

    I know I'll be the odd man out here, but I'm not a huge fan of either the 540/740 ML or the 95ML. They do track really well, but I can't get past the frequency responses of either one. The 540 is just too bright for me and the 95, while not as bright, chops off the top end at around 14-15 KHz...
  11. M

    Mofi StudioPhono Stage Review

    I shared my unit's measured performance in 2020. I got pretty much the same results. I got a Duo and the Mofi has been in the closet since.
  12. M

    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    The vinyl playback probably doesn't have flat frequency response, and you prefer that response over neutral, which the digital is.
  13. M

    New Emotiva DAC, how will it test?

    Not a fan of this company anymore, but the feature set is good and price seems decent given the analog inputs. Unfortunately it is incredibly ugly. Emotiva really needs to ditch the blue thing. You can't read it with such low contrast.
  14. M

    SMSL DO200 MKII DAC Review

    Exactly, a resampling algorithm can get as accurate as the developer wishes. With 24 bit masters, resampling accuracy error can easily get below 16-bit resolution, meaning perfect playback once dither is applied and stream is truncated to 16 bits.
  15. M

    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I'm thinking a spectrum view. We'll see when the next firmware version drops.
  16. M

    What cables do you use in your systems?

    Yep, the internal cabling resistance is moot compared to the series inductor in the woofer circuit. A good engineer takes the circuit resistance into account anyway when designing the system box damping/frequency response with the crossover. For mid/tweeter circuits, the issue isn't damping...
  17. M

    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Got this today from Amazon. Man this thing is nice. Build quality is top notch and sounds great, as you'd expect. They actually listened and now have a large volume display option. Super cool DAC.
  18. M

    Quantization Noise 101: Where does SNR about 6N dB come from?

    For an intuitive description... Each bit of resolution adds ~6.02 dB SNR. 6.02 dB is 20*log10(2). 20*log10 is how signal magnitude is defined in dB. Each bit of added resolution doubles the possible quantization levels. Thus, on average, the quantization error is halved for each bit added.
  19. M


    Absolutely I buy gear for visual and physical appeal as well as auditory. My three Bryston amps surely aren't the most economical for good sound, and I'm not even going to try to say they're better audio wise. I do greatly enjoy their build quality, the company itself which goes out of its way...
  20. M

    Help explain intersample overs, please?
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