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    Static Noise

    I basically used this on the PC and resolved 90 or even 95% of the issue!
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    Static Noise

    UPDATE & POTENTIAL SOLUTION: I have used the and since the culprit seems to be coming from a nearby PC (not the one connected to the audio chain), I place the the device on that PC. It has removed probably 95% of the noise. Thinking on whether or not...
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    Static Noise

    May I kindly ask you to ellaborate?
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    Static Noise

    Thanks. Moving the server to a different room will be challenging, but will think of something. To earth the T26S, any suggestions how-to? It already has a three plug connection but maybe it is just like the A11, that it is not earthed. For the DAC, unfortunately the ADI2 has only one set of...
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    Static Noise

    Wow, this is a breakthrough! So, next to me there is also a desktop that I use as my Roon server. I also have a NAS next to it. BUT, what I noticed is that when I unplug the desktop, the noise goes down by probably 90%. Unplugging the NAS plays no role. So the main issue seems to be with the...
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    Static Noise

    It happens when the second headphones amp is connected
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    Static Noise

    But this happens even if the dac is not connected to the pc
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    Static Noise

    Thanks Bob. But why does it happen only when I connect the second amp in the loop? Would something like this work? If not then how could i resolve this?
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    Static Noise

    Here it is
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    Static Noise

    Here is how it is normally connected via a grounded three pin plug If i understood correctly, you told me to use a non grounded plug right? So i basically did this Still noise, and probably more :)
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    Static Noise

    Maybe this video helps?
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    Static Noise

    no issue. The noise comes when both devices are in the loop. So lets say i remove the a11 then the headphones from the 26s will have no noise. The minute a11 is back then noise goes back to the headphones. If i put the volume up on the a11 connected speakers and have the t26s also in the loop...
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    Static Noise

    Guys, completely lost here and hopefully you can find a solution. I have my ADI2 connected via the RCA cables to my Rotel A11, which drives my speakers. I also use the balanced output or the ADI2 , connected to my headphones tube amp TA-26S. What I notice is that there always seems to be static...
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    Bottlehead crack vs xDuoo TA-26S

    Edit: I didn’t realize you have to build the bottlehead! No time for that at least no if the sound quality between the two would be very similar
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    Bottlehead crack vs xDuoo TA-26S

    Hi guys. Looking to enter the tube world for my HD 800s. I am between the Bottlehead Crack with speedball with and xDuoo TA-26S. I already ordered the xDuoo but can cancel it before it ships out. As always thanks for the advice!
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    Sennheiser HD800S in 2024

    Thanks guys. HD800S it is!
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    Sennheiser HD800S in 2024

    What about my other option, the Focal Clear MG Pro.
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    Sennheiser HD800S in 2024

    Hi everyone! I heard a lot of beautiful things about the the 800S and considering upgrading from my Aryas Stealth. What are your comments and thoughts? Was also considering the Focal Clear MG pro but the 800S seems to be better in many aspects especially soundstage.
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    External DAC with Integrated Amp

    So that means, that if you switch the tone control from BYPASS to another option and you have an external DAC connected, you are basically using once the external DAC, then a second time with the DAC of the A11?
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