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  1. D

    Balanced or not

    Yeah you’ll be thankful on the odd chance you are at someone’s old house with bad hum from ground loops
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    Elac Debut Reference DBR-62 Speaker Review

    i've used the dbr62 and dfr52 with an aiyima a07, yamaha rn803d and a hypex nc252 amp and can't tell the difference other than the knob position of all 3 to reach my desired loudness. add an svs sub or two instead of fiddling with amps or the speakers itself. :rolleyes:
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    Topping A90 Headphone Amplifier Review

    How do I connect to two subwoofers. Do I hook rca left to left subwoofer and right rca to the other? The xlr output is already hooked to the power amp
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    Elac Debut Reference DBR-62 Speaker Review

    The bass does go lower which is kinda noticeable, I can tell by the rumble. I wouldnt be confident for a blind comparison on the same loudness and frequency range otherwise xD
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    Elac Debut Reference DBR-62 Speaker Review

    I went for the kh150 and I can say its definitely noticeable due to the bass extension. tonally they sound similar, further testament that the dbr62 is a speaker done right (imo) :). I have an elac sub lying around unused for awhile that i plan to hook up to the dbrs and see how it goes in an AB...
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    Turntable sound quality via audio interface vs preamp

    Good to know. Is there an explanation for this I.e. what do I look for when judging if a gear is good enough for this specific case. (Like the sinad of the ADC) just asking since it’s a science forum and all and I’m just curious.
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    Turntable sound quality via audio interface vs preamp

    I would like to run my turntable connected to a phono preamp through my Scarlett 2i2 via its trs in. Would this be detrimental to the sound quality compared to just running it through the preamp section of my topping a90. I reckon there will be adc performed if I run this way hence increased...
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    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Hi, what would be the cheapest budget audio interface i can use with the kit as i only have a dac? would a behringer umc22 suffice?
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    Neumann KH120 II Monitor Review

    I'm interested in a pair of these. I plan to use it with the topping a90+ elac sub that i already have. so just hook these up from the xlr out to the analog input, right? the sub will be using the rca out of the a90 as usual.
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    Elac Debut Reference DBR-62 Speaker Review

    So….these speakers made me shat my pants when I got them (best blind buy ever, thanks asr), I paired it with an elac sub. That was 4 years back. I’m looking for the next bug thing that can make me feel the same way again. Would a neumann kh120 ii be a worthy upgrade? I know the price difference...
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    What are your top 3 IEM ?

    1. truthear zero red. i preferred it very much over the blessing 2 dusk and ier-z1r (for real) 2. truthear zero 3. idk. my reds went kaput just last week. anything you guys suggest? im thinking the truthear novas
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    Audio GD - bad rap in the past -new breed !!

    they already have the big, heavy and expensive part nailed down. but with such poor reviews here in terms of measurements one might as well get a heavy duty yamaha amp like the as1200 that costs the same and is equal part large and heavy but at least has an analog meter for the luls
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    Downgrading my Headphone Collection

    id say an he6 for open and ether cx for closed have the best price-performance ratio. mind you, got it 500 on adorama and the ether cx for free
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    Dan Clark Stealth Review (State of the Art Headphone)

    Wow, impressive. Can't deny I would be heads over heels if it was priced around 2k as a hd800 killer or something but at that msrp customs and shipping are just gonna be a wallop to ship outside the USA :eek: Maybe someday in the not to distant future when i fancy travelling and just pick it up...
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    Complementary amplifiers to something ultra transparent?

    always fancied one of them luxman/yamaha integrated amps with their analog meters. they're not headphone amps but they do have a headphone out. doubt there's anything left after a d90/a90/hypex combo for now tbh.
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    Focal Utopia

    grats, your headphone journey is pretty much complete (for now) :p onwards to speakers! your journey is already halfway complete there with the d90 and a90 though.
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    Harman preference curve for headphones - am I the only one that doesn't like this curve?

    depending on one's's just like henta*, see you just start on the normal stuff and then you started getting into all kinds of weird tags and before long you realize vanilla is the best...the thing to takeaway here is that it doesn't matter as long as you like it
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    Focal Utopia

    i consider it one of the best. have long sold my hd800 and many others. now i keep the sony z1r for closed back and the utopia.
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    Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000 Review (Headphone)

    i got this for about 1200 on sale some time back. They're okay-ish i guess. Good spatial qualities as mentioned. For retail price they're definitely not worth it D:
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    Hifiman HE6se Review (Headphone)

    yes, they both seem to measure well and im spoiled for a choice... :). you're right, money does play a role, there's no point doubling down as long as a setup makes me tap my feet and sing to the tune. already have an a90 amp so it should be fine per the discussions here
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