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  1. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    I have the KH 150's paired with one KH 750 and have more than enough SPL than I'd ever reasonably need. Buy one, try it and if it is enough, keep it. If not, return it or buy a 2nd one :)
  2. N

    KEF R3 meta Measurements

    Neumann KH 150?
  3. N

    WiiM Pro Streamer

    Question. Does the wiim pro have the option to limit the min and max output volume? I ordered one as a potential replacement for my Bluesound Node (having them side by side now) With my Bluesound Node I can limit the min and max volume. This is a relevant feature for me as I plug the streamer...
  4. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Thanks @audafreak 2 questions for my understanding: 1: Why the DA conversion from KH750 to KH150 and again AD in the KH150 when everything could stay digital in your example / the digital chain? (Bluesound Digital out, KH750 Digital in / out, KH150 Digital in / Analog out)? 2: If the case is...
  5. N

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    @schallmauer Could you please look into this? Any insights from your side?
  6. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    But interesting enough that more people post about this independently and with the same observations. I was doing MA1 alignment and was very happy with the results when playing music through my laptop to test results (which means route 2: focusrite + analog). When disconnecting my laptop and...
  7. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Thanks for the effort! So, exactly the same experiences... Reading the link you shared, one conclusion is basically that the D/A conversion in the speakers is subpar and could better be handled by a superior DAC before the speakers. That's disappointing, especially for the price and give more...
  8. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Question. I noticed that the speakers sound quite different with the 2 following setups: 1. Bluesound Node > digital coax Out > KH750 digital in > KH 750 digital out -> KH 150 digital in / out (so, fully digital) 2. Bluesound Node > usb out > Focusrite Scarlett > KH750 analog in > KH 750...
  9. N

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    For me they take too long to go to sleep :)
  10. N

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    bummer... But running the measurements only takes a couple of minutes right?
  11. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    I bought a Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd gen for this. Works fine indeed. I have to say I underestimated/was a bit disappointed by all the stuff needed to get it to work though (audio interface, network switch, ethernet cables, analog cables to subwoofer) Alle extra costs on top of the E250.
  12. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    Thanks a lot for this tip. Obvious maybe, but it didn't occur to me until you mentioned it... I experienced the same: wanting a bit more bass at lower volumes (dynamic EQ) in home setup. But I don't want to / cannot fiddle with MA1 all the time. Now I enabled tone controls on the streamer...
  13. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    With the Bluesound Node, internal DAC is not used with digital out (because you stay digital. No need to convert to Analogue there). But correct me if i'm wrong.
  14. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    I have the KH150 connected to Bluesound Node (Wiim Pro not yet available in EU) by digital coax. The Node controls volume / inputs (so both music and tv run through them with auto-select) Nothing else is needed, except digital coax cables and perhaps a KH 750 ;)
  15. N

    Bluesound Node Review (Streamer)

    I'm using the Node in the same manner as well. Digital out to digital in on my Neumann speakers. A stupid question perhaps, but you only need a DAC with analog out, right? With digital out to digital in there is no need to change the signal and performance would be '100% correct' by definition...
  16. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    btw, I ordered the KH 750 to go with my KH 150s and it is a good addition already. A more complete image. Still need to get all cables to be able to run MA1 (I really underestimated the effort needed for MA1).
  17. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    What's the added benefit of your listening systems for pleasure over these Neumanns? Why are they 'better' for that task?
  18. N

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    which one did you get? I just realized the same thing myself... Would a Focusrite Scarlett Solo suffice?
  19. N

    Neumann KH 150 Monitor Review

    hehe I recognize this. I got the KH 150s last week. Very happy, but the KH 750 being available makes me very curious about the total effect as well. Even though bass is plenty for my taste, I do remember the low frequencies from my old B&W 801 speakers and I'm curious what the addition of the...
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