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  1. enio nery

    Nubert NuVero 60 Speaker Review

    That Midrange driver seems to be the same Tectonic Elements BMR driver used in Philharmonic BMR Monitors.
  2. enio nery

    Aiyima’s TPA3255 PFFB based amplifier, coming soon

    Are you saying that the actual amperage is not as advertised?
  3. enio nery

    Aiyima’s TPA3255 PFFB based amplifier, coming soon

    Great!!! That's exactly what im looking for to implement for my longstanding project of 3 way bookshelf speakers with active crossover. i have been holding out for so long for something like that to come from you.
  4. enio nery

    Aiyima’s TPA3255 PFFB based amplifier, coming soon

    any plans on making a pure power amp version of this?
  5. enio nery

    Creative Sound Blaster X5 Interface Review

    nice. my first ever outboard DAC (outboard soundcard) was a soundblaster. used it for about a year and then i discovered the ifi micro idsd and as soon as i hooked it up. it made the soundblaster sounds like crap in comparison. and so its great to see that creative have catch'd up with the...
  6. enio nery

    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    silly question maybe. but cant you just run separate cables in parallel with your main speakers as to avoid the degradation?
  7. enio nery

    Record breaker: Raphaelite CS30-MKII tube amplifier review and measurements

    nice review. what speakers are you going to pair this with?
  8. enio nery

    JBL Studio 530 Speaker Review

    i just found out that the tweeters jbl used on these (JBL 24114H 1) are the same tweeter they use in some of their EON active speakers . crossover recommendation for it is 1.9khz and the 530s have it set at 1.5khz. they may have gotten away with such low xover point because of the small...
  9. enio nery

    JBL Studio 530 Speaker Review

    id say the biggest difference is that the m16 has better bass extension and can get much louder without distorting. also the m16 is tiny bit smoother sounding imo. but imaging and soundstage for both is very good.
  10. enio nery

    Paris Audio Video Show 2022

    audio porn!!! thank you for uploading these! as i scroll down. i thought i'd see some Arendal Sound but i didnt. they dont join audio show??
  11. enio nery

    Aperion N5T Speaker Review

    noob question. can the droop in the FR be mended with more shallow filter on the tweeter? or would that be solving a problem with another problem?
  12. enio nery

    Single full range drivers

    i have had a lot of Full range speakers in the past and i still own 2 pairs. the JBL LE8Ts are probably the best ive listened to. they can surprising handle modern music. they cant go really high. but listening on axis and near field fixes that. if there i a full range speakers that i would like...
  13. enio nery

    Pass ACA Class A Power Amplifier Review

    ive had one of these. even with high efficiency speakers it sucked. it literally is a distortion generator.
  14. enio nery

    Diatone p610 DIY build

    ive had the original ones i think 2 years ago. for nearfield use you can eq them and they can sound very good. ive had the clones too. my subjective take on both is that hf drops significantly off axis. the clones have better bass the higher mids and treble is a bit gritty. the orignal ones...
  15. enio nery

    JBL Studio 530 Speaker Review

    using these right now with the SMSL DA9. they sound good. but they cant touch my Revel M16s. tried the presets the SDB made it very engaging at the expense of being less detailed and in your face center image.
  16. enio nery

    SMSL DA9 - Wait and see, or solid buy?

    is it ok to hook up a powered sub to the da-9 via speaker level? i want to take advantage of the fact that my speakers would be alleviated from digging up so low if i let through the built it low pass filter on the speaker level i/o
  17. enio nery

    Speaker DIY Repair - Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary

    the same thing just happened to a friend's pair of Denton 80th after blasting paro-paro G apparently lol . how did you take out the plastic ring around the drivers? tia
  18. enio nery

    "Secrets" about the consumer audio business you may find interesting

    the things that are mentioned here. applies to any industry. i run a small business and i agree that for a business to stay afloat and be profitable. your margin should be at least 3 is to 1 of the total cost to make a product. i should add that raw materials costs arent static. so when they go...
  19. enio nery

    Sound quality: Spotify Premium vs Qobuz. Convince Spotify very high quality has good enough sound quality.

    old thread but here's my 2 cents. use spotify for convenience and with the music that you like regardless of fidelity. and buy the music that you like that also makes you appreciate your system more.
  20. enio nery

    Nan-6 Planar Headphone Review

    butter and garlic would have made these NAN better....
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