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  1. L

    New Topping B200 Mono Amp

    Bass is a bit light, and perhaps a bit more "meat on the bone"
  2. L

    New Topping B200 Mono Amp

    B200 has nothing to do with B100...2 complete different amplifiers
  3. L

    New Topping B200 Mono Amp

    Do you think a proper linear power supply would improve sound/performance ?
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    Gustard DAC-X30

    How can you plug a headset (K1000) to a LA 90 ????
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    New 2.0 setup with Topping LA90D, on the cheap.

    From my personal experience, the LA90D measures better, sounds better, is less expensive...So conclusion is obvious
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    New 2.0 setup with Topping LA90D, on the cheap.

    Please buy a second one and make it mono ! It is amazing how better the control, soundstage and overall SQ become better with 2 LA90D !
  7. L


    No. I am sure to succeed. And if not, it would mean that double blind tests are not tailored for such subtile audio test. (by the way, some have failed to diferentiate red from white wine in a double blind test...conclusion ? No difference between red and white...:D:D:D:D)
  8. L


    I can only agree with that ! I have had several Topping DAC, the only one so far that pleases me was the D70 with the AKM4470. I have now this DX9 and i am very satisfied with the sound ( at least a decent sounstage !). So the only Toppings that I 've found good was the ones with AKM chips. I...
  9. L

    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    Do you need a special preamplifier to run 4 blocs, or ? Is something like the SPL 2control up to the task ? I would be also interested to run 4 blocs as my LS have bi-wiring = 1 bloc for each voice of each LS
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    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    Is there a fuse in the device (or in the power supply) ? I can't see any ...
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    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    Not so good...I was expecting at least 40/50 KOhms....
  12. L

    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    Does somebody knows the Imput impedance of the LA90D ? Strange that is nowhere to be found, it is an important criteria....
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    Double touch OLED-screens with 3 different design/indications
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    Well at the level of your own remark...
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    Well you don't know what it gives because you don't have it. And 1000 bucks is not at all to pricy if it is good !
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    Would love to test it against my RME...maybe maybe :rolleyes:
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    Well, not really...A power amplifier doesn't have a preamp stage, or gain stage, nor volume control.... Let's say it is a volume-controlled-poweramp, or a 1-source-limited-integrated...;)
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    Any info about the fuse value of this amp ?
  19. L

    Dynaudio 18s vs sub 6

    OK, I take your argument: Having the signal crossing the HP filter of the sub, then the amplifier, then the filter of the main LS is probably not the best way to ensure signal integrity...:rolleyes: But do the advantages not outweight the disadvantages ? Eager to have feedback from someone who...
  20. L

    Dynaudio 18s vs sub 6

    It will not improve, but it will send to the amplifier only frequencies above 80Hz, making his life much easier, and most probably improving its performance for the upper frequencies... Unless you have very bass competent loudspeakers (but in this case, why do you want a sub ?) why not letting...
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