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  1. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    Yes, that's about the length I was using - 30-50s. What would you say is the optimal length for the most accurate results?
  2. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    How short sample is too short?
  3. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    The results I have been getting with DeltaWave seems to be somewhat random. I have been testing a fully digital loop. I made three different recordings in a row, of the same test tone, where the only variable between the recordings was the randomness of the triangular dither. One of the...
  4. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    When I choose the Stereo option, processing is much faster, than when I choose just left channel. Shouldn't it be the other way?
  5. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    Ah, have missed that drop-down menu. That's awesome, thank you very much!
  6. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    How does DeltaWave treat stereo files? Does it take all channels into account? Sorry if this was already answered somewhere, I wasn't able to find the answer.
  7. I-Love-Null-Tests

    Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software

    Hi Paul, I have created an account here just to say that I love your software. DeltaWave is amazing. Finally, I'm able to ditch DiffMaker. Many thanks for this program and for making it better and better with each new release! Is there any way to support the development?
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