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    UNIVERSAL AUDIO Announces new Apollo X Gen 2 interfaces!!!!

    Universal Audio’s Apollo X Gen 2 announced!!!! Hoping to see some measurements on these!!!!
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    Pyramid shaped room?

    Would a pyramid shaped room help with room acoustics or make them worse?
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    Someone please do the Yamaha MSP10 Studio reference monitors. They are supposed to be their high-end studio reference monitors

    Someone please do the Yamaha MSP10 Studio reference monitors. They are supposed to be their high-end studio reference monitors
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    What are the best headphones you would recommend in the $100-$250 range? What headphones do you have?

    Very ignorant comment. Sony C800G, proprietary mic transducer made by Sony Taiyo division is very sought out and well known in the pro-audio world. Yamaha NS10 / Studio designed by Akira Nakamura. Yamaha MSP / Studio series designed by Akira Nakamura. The Japanese have been making great...
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    Yamaha MSP7 STUDIO speaker damaged after short 100% volume?

    Self healing capacitor maybe? I use the MSP10 Studio, which is the same family, but was designed before the MSP7 by Akira Nakamura before retirement. I've re-capped the entire amplifier board on both sides. I have noticed that the switches for TRIM and LOW CUT can get oxidized caused some...
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    Master Thread: Are measurements Everything or Nothing?

    Hey Dave, would you say this also applies to ADC?
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    That's quite wasn't to get a better sound per say...I just wanted a simple DAC that sounds accurate enough for me to mix through, leaving my analog i/o open for routing hardware. I chose the ES9038Pro because I like ESS chips...always have since I used the Duet2 which had...
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    yep, you can route everything through the daw or console software.
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    free up my analog outputs for summing.
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    I have no idea what I would do with that lol! But thank you, that is pretty barebones!
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    Because I like it :)
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    Yeah I would love one of those, but it has way too many things I don't need, and I would like to cut the price down because it has features I would never use. I just need something pristine with the ES9038PRO implemented well, without all the extra bluetooth MQA streaming functionality...don't...
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    Z No they’re old active monitors lol
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    i don’t need usb but if it has it that’s fine. What I meant was it’s not important. By the way, I thought usb was just an extra feature...dac is normally digital input no? Spdif aes optical?
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    Looking for a straight barebones DAC

    I’m looking for suggestions on a dac for my powered active studio monitors. I’m mainly looking to record and mix music so accuracy performance is a huge deal. This will be connected through digital outs of my Universal Apollo X6, to my active studio monitors. Here is a list of what I am...
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    Apollo x16claims -129dB thd+N

    hi Dave, thank you for all the great info. I just bought the X6 and was wandering where it stacks up against the TWIN X and X16?
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    Having a Feeling of Shame Gives Rise to Courage--SMSL M500 V2

    So...i've been reading...V1 is worse than V2 because of thermal issues? Wouldn't a thermal pad+heatsink help? Maybe a tiny CPU fan?
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    Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Review (Audio Interface)

    I wander where the X6 would rate...seeing as they use the same chips, but everything is different guessing?
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