Search results

  1. NormB

    Seeking advice for a new top loading CD transport

    I appreciate the feedback, Roland, really, I do. Of all places on the web and in the “audiofool community” I thought, briefly, erroneously apparently, that ASR might, MIGHT be one place a novice could post and not be brow-beaten into submission by some techno-geek with an eidetic memory and...
  2. NormB

    Seeking advice for a new top loading CD transport

    “Getting grips with the subject first” - you mean “the basics.” Got it. I’ll take this under advisement and continue to enjoy what I’ve got.
  3. NormB

    Seeking advice for a new top loading CD transport

    I bought one of those a year ago and it’s worked well for me, but I’m feeding optical output into a Topping D90LE ES9038PRO LDAC I find is fine for my needs at the time, but I’ve been considering upgrading the DAC (denafrips 15th ed. Pontus or something like it) until I came across this today...
  4. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    Ha-ha. No. Specs improve. Compare TL072 with OPA2134. I replaced 30 year-old ADCOM OEM (and REVOX sound repro board) opamps with these and noticed immediate improvements. What I"m after is as sonically neutral a "processor" as possible with a preamp. The APT-Holman - for my money and...
  5. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    I’m now the proud owner of a SECOND unit courtesy of ePay’s bidding site, and for a few bucks less than the previous one. This one looks BRAND NEW inside, with very little, if any, dust/oxidation that I can see, nothing’s been touched/removed and it works GREAT so far. I took it down to my...
  6. NormB

    Musical Surrounding Nova III Review (phono stage)

    I sold mine. Glad to be rid of it. I had been using a Benz Micro Glider SL MC cart with it for over a year, an Ortofon 2M MM prior to that as well as - more recently - an Ortofon Cadenza Black all with high levels of success, satisfaction. No complaints. Unit performed as advertised using...
  7. NormB

    Schiit Mani 2 Review (Phono Stage)

    Um, well… about that 16 VAC wall wart. I was doing a search for used Schiit Mani (1 or 2) secondary sales on ePay and the various audiomarts (kind of a trendline analysis - very good equipment doesn’t show up as often as people tend to keep it, I think) and came across this: “Upgrade...
  8. NormB

    Klipsch Heresy IV Speaker Review

    So glad I’m reading this AFTER buying a pair of these speakers six months ago. It’s been a GREAT six months’ listening pleasure. What I replaced was a pair of Ohm 4 speakers - about 35 years old - I’d been using for nearly 3 years. Even with relatively new (5 years) drivers courtesy of the...
  9. NormB

    Capacitor question

    Schematic from a 35 year old Technics ST-9038 FM tuner. I put in an OPA2134PA opamp, some decoupling caps on the +/- power pins to ground, replaced the caps C409/C410 with NP Muse 4.7/25V values. thought it pretty weird they weren't polarized. tuner sounds GREAT otherwise. Now I'm "worried"...
  10. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    Played a bunch of other stuff like Lumineers, Michael Hedges, El Ten Eleven, Kodaline - the more recent stuff for my kids, 26 and 30 who were suitably wowed by the overall sound, too. This is a keeper. Plus I have another ADCOM 565 preamp I use for a garage stereo (LOUD… has small venue JBL...
  11. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    “Better”? Certainly different. For me, “better” is simply more transparent, less affected (unchanged or altered) or as little as possible. What Peter Williams did to a 35 year old preamp was, simply, magic. I’d tinkered with a handful of ADCOM preamps and the latest 565 experience did great...
  12. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    I like it. Been playing now since noon, maybe 8 hours already and it‘s just great. I had my son - a multi instrument musician - over this afternoon and we went through some of my favorites, Gentle Giant, B52’s, Tears for Fears, then some of his stuff via bluetooth, back to my discs Lumineers...
  13. NormB

    Extreme Snake Oil

    So I could buy a lifetime (mine AND my family’s) worth of fuses for $4 at the dollar store!
  14. NormB

    Extreme Snake Oil

    I’m thinking of selling a “noble metal” frame in the shape of the great pyramid of Gizeh to put over the Swiss dismal fool’s box which will sharpen the sound like a razor!
  15. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    Well… got my preamp back two days ago - one day faster than expected. I took a peek inside as I took off the bottom panel to replace the electric power cord (a bit of fanaticism on my part, I use thicker gauge rubber small appliance - coffee pot, waffle iron - cords on most of my gear and cut...
  16. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    Box, knobs, display, not a whole lot of ways of putting them together.
  17. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    A little more detail as I contacted Peter a few weeks ago, he sent me the following: Hi Norm thanks for reaching out. Currently turn around time is about 3 weeks or so. I offer a full upgrade for the APT preamp for a fixed price of $475 including all parts and a 12 month warranty, but excludes...
  18. NormB

    Do I need to clean my LP's?

    Nog here. Son of Og. Grandson of G. Neanderthal men like me make digital music one knuckle at time. Crack-pop-click-OW! Not best music. Best music hollow log. Just hollow log. And stick. No forget stick. New tribe put deer skin on log, beat with stick. Much noise,no music. Me purist...
  19. NormB

    Apt Holman Preamplifier Review (vintage Audio)

    SO sorry to hear about the injuries. Mine - some, anyway - originated with getting rear-ended while on a motorcycle, active duty Army, returning from visiting friends at a military hospital with pricey pharmaceuticals jammed in my coat (courier run as a pharmacy tech in ‘79) at 1130PM. Drunk...
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