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  1. R

    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @MCH As far as I know HDMI-eARC is not HDCP-protected. A SiI9437 + 2x TI SRC4194 in asynchronous hardware-mode should do the trick if you can live with the limitation to connect it only to an eARC-capable TV. The SiI9437 cannot handle standard HDMI from players. This setup also needs a MCU (or...
  2. R

    8ch hifiberry hat dac for RPI5

    @MCH @mdsimon2 @phofman Can you help to get the DAC8x supported in MoOde?
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @Frunse :D I got a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 Gen3 on saturday. While reading the manual I realized it supports dual ADAT input and output. It can handle 8 input channels at 24-bit/96kHz via dual ADAT. Now I'm looking for a solution to convert 4x I²S from the HDMI audio-extractor to SMUX II. ;)...
  4. R

    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    I suggest to keep the HDMI HAT compatible with additional ADC/DAC HATs. In case of software ASRC the RPi1 would need separate BCLK/LRCK clock GPIOs for I²S input and output. No, not simultaneously but muxed like I showed in...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Has anyone heard from @Frunse ? Hopefully his lumbago isn't that bad! @MCH Great work! :) How do you plan to do asynchronous sample-rate conversion and MCLK synchronisation between HDMI and CamillaDSP/DAC? Will the HAT passthrough I²S GPIOs for 32-bit 96kHz ADCs?
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @mdsimon2 Is there a connector for the SCLK input of the PCM5102As on the Hifiberry DAC8x (common MCLK source for ADCs and DAC8x)?
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @mdsimon2 @silverD Does the Hifiberry DAC8x have an MCLK input or output?
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Great idea! Please check how the additional connectors influence the clock and data signals.
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    If you want to (de-)solder existing SMD-PCBs I suggest to have a look at reflow workstations. If designing new PCBs self-soldering PCBs would simplify soldering SMD parts.
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Great work! :D Do you still have plans for hardware ASRCs to allow different word-sizes and sample-rates on the I²S input and output of the RPi5?
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Are you going to synchronize the clocks of the two Motu UL mk5 via SPDIF?
  12. R

    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Is the MCLK of the HDMI audio extractor source or sink? Is the HDMI audio extractor an I²S master or slave device?
  13. R

    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    How about 8 I²S-DAC chips like PCM1502A (4 per RPi5) connected to the MCLK of the 1st ASRC? That way everything should be synchronous without the need to handle asynchronous USB.
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @Frunse According to the word clock signal between studio devices is usually a square wave in the 3 – 5Vpp range transmitted via a 75 Ohm coaxial cable with terminators and BNC-connectors. To be shure about the voltage I...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @phofman Would the following setup work: 1st cs8421 with 24.576MHz crystal as MCLK source and I²S master output (32-bit@96kHz) 2nd, 3rd and 4th cs8421 with no OX as MCLK sink and I²S slave output with clock lines in parallel to 1st cs8421 and separate data lines RPi5 in I²S slave mode...
  16. R

    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    @Frunse How about keeping the oscillator on the first CS8421 board with the ASRC output in I²S master mode and the RPi5/Motu in Slave mode? That way CamillaDSP can run on a fixed word-length and sampling-rate without having to do any software re-sampling or switch configurations. P.S.: Does...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    The pre-amp is hissing but the power-amp sounds fine and is quite fast and powerful. It had to go for a Denon AV-Receiver because in 2016 I couldn't get HDMI-Signals to a DSP and HDMI-ARC was only stereo. Would be great to have these VU-meters back. :D In worst case I'll go for power-amp PCBs.
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Luckily everyone has a personal taste. :D For now I'm planning to drive the power-amp in my Technics SA-TX50 directly with the DACs. The pre-amp is way to noisy.
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