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  1. L5730

    Edifier MR4 Review (Budget Monitor)

    Of course, you are correct. That 2w was only measured in use and 'idle' (no signal going to it) but not actually standby. My apologies for misleading and causing additional effort to point out my error.
  2. L5730

    Edifier MR4 Review (Budget Monitor)

    I measured using one of those in-line plug-in thingies the goes between the wall socket and the device plug. It showed just over 2w in use and standby. This with 240v/50Hz UK power.
  3. L5730

    Creative Pebbles V2, V3, Pro, X and Nova

    What would be a typical SPL for intended use for these little speakers? Desktop, next to monitor screen/laptop proximity of about 3 feet / 1m to listener, angled upwards somewhat (hence the shape and design, I guess). I see testing was carried out at 88dB SPL since peak at 1 kHz. At low...
  4. L5730

    FiiO has released the USBDAC JA11, with an initial price of only $9 (69RMB) and support for PEQ DSD128 PCM384

    Is there a way at adjust channel balance via this devices internal adjustments? I think it could be handy to have the option to fix channel imbalance on some less well made headphones/IEMs. Thanks in advance.
  5. L5730

    Edifier MR4 Review (Budget Monitor)

    These are pretty OK speakers for the price vs. performance and at the size they are. Digital amp, so run at less than 3 watts measured at the wall (240v 50Hz). I've ReplayGain set to default (-18 LUFS) and am running off of an HP laptop/notebook with Linux Mint XFCE. With the volume on the...
  6. L5730

    Review: Apple vs Google USB-C Headphone Adapters

    I am thinking that we're in this odd situation because of things like this: Manufacturers of personal music player are kind of being directed to reduce the playback volume level. A laptop isn't a personal music player, nor is a...
  7. L5730

    Review: Apple vs Google USB-C Headphone Adapters

    EU "don't want to damage hearing" argument is stupid, but is the reason for the lack of voltage. Playback volume is a combination of factors, loudness of the material played, user chosen volume level in software/hardware and headphone/loudspeaker efficiency. An early CD of any artist, say...
  8. L5730

    Apo EQ--is it possible to have different EQ config files for different outputs?

    Looks like it (your post) might be easier for other people who are less tech-savvy (correct term? feels dated *shrug*) to follow. Well, people have multiple forums users to bother if they need some help organising things with EqAPO. All good.
  9. L5730

    Clipping distortion (multiple 0 dBFS samples) on commercial releases, why?

    I did just stumble upon a video mentioning something interesting. It was a company selling their own plugins to do what hardware would have been used for. Take a project and send it to a DAC, then back in to the DAW via an ADC hard clipping the samples. This approach just seems like the wrong...
  10. L5730

    Clipping distortion (multiple 0 dBFS samples) on commercial releases, why?

    Hi all, This may or may not have been covered elsewhere but it didn't come up when I searched. Pre-waffle: After getting some IEMs a lot of audio nasties have become extremely apparent. The unforgiving nature of such listening equipment means there is no where for 'garbage' to hide and no...
  11. L5730


    Lorn's Acid Rain was something that was recommended in a HiFi magazine's list of tracks to listen to for some reason or other. That sledgehammer thud of bass is quite unnerving. Hearing it devices that can further render low-lows just makes it sound even more sinister.
  12. L5730


  13. L5730

    Marshall DSL1C Guitar Amplifier. Questions about emulated line output.

    Look at laptops and many other devices. Headphone / Line out dual purpose 3.5mm TRS stereo jack is usually there (sometimes a mono mic input as well on the same connector 3.5mm TRRS). It really isn't uncommon to have dual use line/headphone outputs. They are usually not that great for line out...
  14. L5730

    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    As a n00b to IEMs, I too noticed an irritating and sharp brightness to the sound on first listening. I saw one of the later posted videos mentioning that fit and seal are responsible for some issues in the 2-4 kHz area. I'd have thought fit and seal was just a bass end, no seal = no bass, but...
  15. L5730

    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    Spot on! I dug our little apparatus that looks much like the one in your posted image. I've a couple of wooden clothes pegs attached for less aggressive/biting grip. The hair dryer set on the high heat setting did the trick, then clicked it to cold-shot to 'set' the thermoplastic tubing. I...
  16. L5730

    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    Hmm, I do like that they curve and the chin toggle, when done too tight it just as annoying. They are better when the cable is ran behind my back. If the IEMs are held vertically, the left cable kind of stays fairly flat whilst the right tends to go in wards a bit more. The connectors were...
  17. L5730

    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    Slightly Off Topic. I'm finding the heat-shink or whatever sleeve on the left IEM is slightly in the wrong place and makes a bit irritating compared to the right which I don't notice at all when I put it on. How is the Tripowin Zonie in this regard? I'd rather not spend almost as much as the...
  18. L5730


    Amusingly a Liverpool Gym is partnering and has made a special new class and a protein shake to promote the new album single. I think I'll eat tasty food, sit down at a PC and stay fat, thanks As her new album single is due out today 23:00 GMT. It's all mostly low synth driven stuff that...
  19. L5730

    MM Turntable into 1Meg Ohm DI, it works-ish!

    Oh believe me everyone, I know this is not the correct way to do it (eg. adding 20+ dB of digital gain is raising the noise of the ADC by that same amount too) but from what I have always read was that it's not possible and will sound terrible and the sky will fall in. None of that is true in...
  20. L5730

    MM Turntable into 1Meg Ohm DI, it works-ish!

    Hi all, I thought it might be useful to post this for anyone else wanting to 'have a go' and not finding any useful information online, or rather lots of "don't do it" messages. I hooked up the old NAD 5120 with Ortofom OMB (?) MM cart to the RME Babyface Pro fs analogue 3/4 inputs. These...
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